Blog – YWAM Tyler

2 Parents and 3 Kids on a Journey to Know God

Written by Tyler Tom | 13 Nov 2018

So many times I didn't think we could do a YWAM Discipleship Training School (DTS) as a family. We have made a lot of mistakes as parents; we didn't grow up in a church; we were rough around the edges, and my children still had a long ways to go. What would people think? Would they judge us because of our past? Would they pick apart our parenting and our children? Would they expect us to be perfect? Oh how the enemy had a field day with these thoughts.

My husband was quick to remind me of His calling on our lives. God gently reminded us that He was all we needed, and our church gathered around us and showered us with the Father's love. So, off we went . . . 2 imperfect parents with 3 imperfect children on a journey to know God on a deeper level and to share His amazing love with others.

As we approach the last few days of our outreach, I can't help but look back at how far God has brought us. He has strengthened our relationship with Him. He has brought our marriage to new levels I couldn't have imagined. Oh and my kids . . . I am overwhelmed with their bravery and their sacrifice.

Seeing their precious little hearts serving in Jesus name is the greatest thing I have ever experienced. The testimonials they have to share make me gush with emotion. Their confidence in who they are in leading team devotional times, teaching young children about Jesus, and praying over the homeless has blown me away! All 3 have come so far!

Are we still imperfect? Definitely! However, the enemy will not use the opinions of others to make me doubt who Christ has created us to be EVER again. The only one that truly matters loves all of us just as we are.

I am forever grateful to all the leaders and staff at YWAM Tyler, and most of all I am thankful to God for bringing us on this journey with Him❤️

Guest Author ~ Erin Lord, Crossroads Discipleship Training School Student


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