Blog – YWAM Tyler

20/20 Vision for America | An Interview with Author Chris Lascelles

Written by Richard Fish | 18 May 2020


I caught YWAM Tyler's campus director, Chris Lascelles, just before he jumped on a tractor to haul hay to give to hurting farmers here in East Texas.

Once I read Chris's book, 20/20 Vision for America, I knew an interview was a must. I'd heard Chris talk about his purpose in writing this epic history lesson, but I did not expect to be drawn into it so deeply. An incredible message of hope for America is woven through it like a tapestry. 

Grab your coffee and headphones... let Chris share some of the secret passion in his book. His humble beginnings will whet your appetite for the powerful message in this story.

Did you look at the cover carefully? Did you see this isn't just a history lesson of the past? The tiny font is easy to skip over. But don't miss it⎼this book is a call to action!

The words on the binding made me realize this was more than thought provoking. You and I are needed to do something important. When you finish it will birth new vision in your heart.

A big question rose in my heart while reading...why didn't I know these things? It has always been there in plain sight, but I can't recall ever hearing in school the purpose of the pilgrims from their original documents.  

Hearing the covenant agreement in the Mayflower Compact roll off of Chris's tongue in his New Zealand accent with such passion is an experience. He shares with conviction. Chris's book is about clarity, discovery, and implementation. 

Perhaps you've grappled with the state of affairs here in the good ole USA, and are unsure of the difference you can actually make. Chris affirms that your presence in your sphere of influence matters greatly. 

As we grasp the wheel of our history alongside other Godly influencers and steer toward justice, mercy, and love...our final destination is a land of freedom, peace, and joy. 

Chris started out as a sheep shearer, but now shares the Gospel. My take away from the book?⎼An ever present Guide is steering us toward a better horizon. 

Ready to read it yourself? 

Our mission community stretches across America and into over 100 other nations. We welcome you to begin your journey to discover God's call and purpose for your life. Learn more about about our training schools. You might get to sit and have coffee with Chris while your here.