Blog – YWAM Tyler

Courageous Women

Written by Tyler Tom | 8 Mar 2024

What does it take to become a courageous individual? William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, observed that "some of my best men are women." During the last few years two brave women, who trained at YWAM Tyler, went to the Middle East to make an impact on people and point them to Jesus.  We recently touched base with "Sarah and Mary" to get an update on their ministries. 

Sarah is following a call to a nomadic people group spread among several Mideastern countries. After a season of training with a larger YWAM team in North Africa, she joined a small team serving in a very remote region. Through learning Arabic, she has built relationships with local women and New-Age tourists who have settled there. Those who are Muslim often practice "folk Islam" which involves all kinds of witchcraft.

Sarah helped pioneer a Seekers group, where she can share biblical truths with unbelievers in a small group setting. In addition, she hopes to start a learning center for many young girls who have few educational opportunities.

Mary serves in another Middle Eastern country and recently experienced God's providential guidance. Originally, she lived in a town with many insurgents. But several months before the recent war, the Lord directed Mary to move to another location in a much safer area. With her Hispanic heritage, Mary blends in with locals as she is out and about in the marketplace. She is leaning Arabic. During Christmas, she hosted a special meal with a table full of new friends. Her hospitality opened doors for her to share about Jesus. In addition to learning the language, Mary continues to explore business ideas to expand mission opportunities in the future.

Last Thanksgiving, the two ladies shared a holiday time, building one other up and encouraging each other. Please join us in prayer that the good news about Jesus will change the hearts and minds of the people they are serving and loving in His name, and that the spiritual forces of darkness will not hinder or harm them in any way.

Leaving what you know is never an easy task. But God opens doors no man can shut. Let Sarah and Mary's testimonies encourage you to step out and be courageous. He goes before us and behind us. So, don't be afraid abide in Him. God is with you in every moment. Take the risk and step into His plans and purposes today!