Blog – YWAM Tyler

A YWAM DTS Has Long Lasting Impact

Written by Amy Fish | 20 Oct 2017

"Everybody's got a story. and it's not the one they're telling." Donald Miller

Donald Miller's writings always provoke me to think deeply. Through vulnerably sharing his own personal stories, Donald essentially holds up a mirror and invites all to look inward. God's creation is quite marvelous, but too often we don't marvel at the reflection we see. Instead, we criticize and scrutinize. This type of self-barragement is unhealthy. Then, that same critical eye exerted on ourselves is used to tear down others too. We all have stories though, and I'm learning how very important it is to listen for the ones that aren't being told ~ the ones within myself and the ones all around me.

I enjoy staffing DTS (Discipleship Training School) because of the one-on-one connections I get to have with the students. I recently talked on the phone to a student from last semester's school. It was good to hear her voice. Her laughter always did make my heart smile, so I enjoyed hearing it once again while we talked on the phone. I asked her how DTS has impacted her life now that she's living in California and working a full-time job. Her words really encouraged me. She said, "I learned in DTS that everyone has value. EVERYONE. In God's eyes, we all matter. Everyday I encounter people that are really hard to love, but then I remember they too have value." WOW. What a take-away!

Everyone has a story. We need to be listening for the one they're not telling ~ the story behind the story. We need to remember everyone has value too, and it's not based on what they do and don't do. Value stems from being created in God's image. God so loved the world that He gave. He gave Himself when He fashioned us from the dirt. He gave Himself when He redeemed us on the cross. He gave Himself when He filled us with Living Water. In the words of a beloved teacher here at YWAM Tyler, "Value obligates!" Because of the tremendous worth we have in His eyes, He just kept giving . . .

" . . . it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom." (Luke 12:32b NLT)

. . . and giving! For God so loved ~ He gave. (John 3:16) I want to live the rest of my life loving this way.

At YWAM Tyler we believe God wants to continue to write you a better story. Join a DTS and experience lasting life-change.