Blog – YWAM Tyler

God Is Winning \\ God Is Worthy

Written by Tyler Tom | 31 Oct 2018

My passion for supporting the Inspire Worship and Missions Conference at YWAM Tyler year after year originally came from my passion for worship. Worship has been my driving force for missions and my greatest joy. 

At first, I wanted everyone on earth to come to this conference simply for the sake of gathering in worship because God is worthy of all the praise that comes from Inspire. 

Now, my passion for supporting this conference comes from knowing that I’ve been blessed by it to be a blessing to the world; I’ve been inspired so that I may inspire the world around me, one testimony at a time.

Every year, I leave YWAM Tyler after the Inspire conference knowing two things: God is winning, and God is worthy. And honestly, that’s all I’ll ever need to know. Anything else He’s told me while I’ve been there, directions to take, friendships to pursue, etc. has just been a bonus!

Like this year, for example, a word was spoken that was so clearly for my fiancé and I, and over the past 6 months, we’ve been standing on that promise faithfully.

Now, we’re just days away from our wedding and a significant career change, which I don’t think we would be as ready for if the Lord hadn’t spoken to us the way He did during Inspire. :) God is so faithful to keep His promises!

 Guest Author ~ Lynn Rieland

Just like Lynn, Jesus wants you to be filled with Hope. The Inspire Worship and Missions Conference is a yearly event held right here at YWAM Tyler on our Twin Oaks Campus.

Check out the next -> Inspire event on our Facebook page and let us know you are coming!

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