Blog โ€“ YWAM Tyler

I Got Dunked ... You Should Too!

Written by Tyler Tom | 18 Sep 2020


For Christians, the most important day of our life is the day we surrender to the Lord. Wouldn't you agree? We are made for life and unity with Christ. Aside from this day, our baptism is also very important and life transforming. 

Whether the decision is made in the moment or stirred up in our hearts over time, the day we get baptized is never forgotten and is cherished.

This is that day for Faith Rogers!



"Faith, why do you want to get baptized today?"

"Well, my entire DTS (Discipleship Training School) was just like building in relationship with God, and I have finally surrendered my life and became the bride of Jesus. Throughout my SOE (School Of Evangelism), He was really speaking to me about what it means to have outward declarations of the inward change, and for a lot of weeks He's been speaking to me about getting baptized. I'm already changed on the inside but doing the outward ceremony of it is something that I've been wanting to do for a few weeks nowโŽผor a few months now. I just felt like it was finally time and that there's no turning back from this relationship. I'm His and He's mine. I just thought it was the right time."   

"As a young man marries a young woman, so will your Builder marry you; as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you." Isaiah 62:5

As Faith stated, God's inner work during her schools transformed her into a new creation. Her inner joy and freedom is able to be outwardly expressed through discipling and praying for others, serving in missions world-wide, baptism and much more. This daily walk with the Lord is a life-long commitment that should be fully celebrated. 

What kind of outward declaration is God stirring in your heart today?

Kate got DUNKED too! It has changed her life and here's how she put it-

"The table was set with fine white cotton cloth covering a smooth but old wood plank table. His hands were drumming the counter as he waited for the timer to go off, the wine was poured, the salad tossed, and the cake iced and tucked away in the cupboard. The last thing he was waiting on was the bread. Tonight was a special night, the windows open, the crisp air blowing in silently. In his eyes was joy, a sparkle of delight. He had set a place for her night after night, and she never showed up. But tonight, with a smile on his face, he placed the bread in a woven basket. The doorbell rang. He quickly pulled his hair out of his face so she could see every feature. Steam rose from the honey-colored slices as he set the breadbasket on the table. He flung open the door, tears pouring down his face. The words he spoke to her were this, "My bride, you came." Tears poured down her face as she looked into his eyes. One day we will know what his face looked like. He pulled his bride into his arms, and both of them cried softly with joy. He cupped her chin and lifted her face to meet his gaze, and he said, "Daughter, dinner is prepared. Come eat with me, my love, my daughter, my bride." Tonight was the first night I sat down to have dinner with the Son of God."

Watch Ethan's story and baptism! It's incredible what God is doing in hearts of this next generation!


Take the plunge. Say "YES" to what Jesus is telling you. You'll find your peace and purpose. The next Discipleship School is just around the corner. What are you waiting for?