Blog – YWAM Tyler

 Prevailing Faith | YWAM Tyler

Written by Amy Fish | 4 Apr 2018

Imagine gathering around an empty table with a slew of orphans to thank the Lord for food that wasn't there. Hard to even believe, honestly; yet, it's true. George Mueller trusted God to the point he was willing to sit at a barren table and offer thanks to God for the food that He was going to supply. God had promised to provide all Mueller needed in caring for those children, so in that moment of need, Mueller banked on God's promise, and sure enough God did it! The doorbell rang, and fresh bread was placed before them all to enjoy for breakfast.

That story has been stirring in my heart lately. Charles Spurgeon calls it "prevailing faith" when one trusts the Lord so deeply they believe beyond what they can see, feel, experience, or even do themselves. The Canaanite woman believed Jesus to be more than enough for her daughter's healing. All she needed was a crumb from His table. One crumb! So in faith, she persistently asked for it (see Matthew 15:21-28).

Life as a missionary has its miraculous moments when God comes through in the eleventh hour. There's no explanation other than God did it, and we celebrate the victory that's unfolded! Yet those moments aren't daily. A lot of the days are filled with having to wait on the Lord in one way or another. Days stretch into weeks, months, and even years sometimes, which require us to prevail in faith for a promise to be fulfilled. Maybe that's why Jesus told His disciples to KEEP asking, KEEP seeking, KEEP knocking. Don't quit until the answer comes! Be like the persistent widow that never gave up, for God is faithful. "Unanswered petitions are not unheard!" (Spurgeon)

Years ago, when my husband and I knew God wanted us to do a YWAM Discipleship Training School, we had no clue how we'd raise the funds for our family. We needed thousands of dollars to participate. Yet, for God this wasn't too difficult. He met that need and more, equipping us to take this step He had called us to take. The provision didn't come overnight, though, and a time of waiting was needed.

Then a few years later, when it came time to do another training school in order to staff at YWAM Tyler, we were needing to trust the Lord for thousands of dollars again. Thankfully, God didn't say we had cashed in too many times or that His reserve was empty. His supply never runs dry. God provided and met the need, this time to the exact penny and within minutes before the accounting office closed on the deadline date.

When it came time to step out on faith as a full-time missionary with YWAM Tyler, trusting God for daily provision, we had to believe in our hearts God would take care of us. We didn't have a large savings account, but we did have God's promise to equip us with everything we needed to do His will. So we said yes to God's call and are currently pouring our hearts into ministry at YWAM Tyler. God has NEVER failed us either! He has faithfully met our needs over and over and over again. He's a good Father, who knows how to take care of His children.

As surely as the sun rises and sets everyday, we can know without a doubt the Lord will do all He's promised. If you're waiting on God for an answer to a prayer you've been praying for as long as you can remember, then don't stop. Prevail in faith! God hears and will answer! 

"He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it." 1 Thess. 5:24


Come to YWAM Tyler for a Discipleship Training School (DTS). Hear amazing stories from seasoned missionaries who have been living by faith for many years. You'll be in awe at the countless of ways God has answered prayer, and you'll discover anew that God really does hear your prayers too.