Blog – YWAM Tyler

State of Creation Address

Written by Tyler Tom | 13 Mar 2019

A few week's ago, we were treated to the President’s State of the Union Address before live television and a joint session of Congress. President Trump brought us up to speed on the progress we’ve made in areas of economy, employment, defense, border security, and foreign relations. He then reminded us of the work that still needs to be done, calling all Americans to unite for the common good of the nation.

I wonder if maybe we could use a “State of Creation Address.” Of course Jesus – our Servant King – would be the one to deliver this important speech.  He might tell us about the progress we’ve made in feeding the poor and lifting them out of their poverty, of the innovation and creativity of the human race, of the progress we have made in healthcare and medical research, and of the growing peace and stability among the nations. Yes! All these things are true!  He might mention that life expectancy and freedom are on the rise across the world, and that faithful missionaries are pushing deeper and deeper into the most unreached places on our planet, translating scriptures and planting churches of happily redeemed people. 

But then he would certainly remind us that much is yet to be done: that vast populations struggle under oppressive belief systems, that human trafficking still flourishes, and millions of unborn babies are being murdered every year in their mother’s wombs while divorce, greed, and crime deface his beloved people.  He might lament our political hostilities or the plague of ignorance that stubbornly holds many in bondage.  And I’m pretty sure He would remind us that we truly are our brother’s keeper and that there are dozens of broken people within walking distance who still haven’t heard the good news of His glorious reign!  

In the end, I feel sure our compassionate King would remind us that He still loves his world and has delightful plans for it’s redemption.  “For as truly as I live," (He might say),“my glory WILL fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.  So let us redouble our efforts to see the work finished.  With prayer and faithfulness we CAN do this together because I am with you even to the end of the age.”

Guest author ~ Don Stephens, a beloved teacher at YWAM Tyler. Visit Don's website and check out more great blogs he's written.

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