Blog – YWAM Tyler

Ministry to a World on Lockdown

Written by Tyler Tom | 10 Apr 2020


There is a global prayer movement afoot. God's people are interacting with each other like never before as they share needs, concerns, and victories.

Pakistan⎼"As a pastor, my heart breaks as the lockdown continues. No one can work, so there is no money for food. We are doing all that we can daily. Please pray, we need help."

Lesvos, Greece⎼Refugees are sleeping outside on the beach with no tents, just blankets, and a campfire because there's no place to quarantine new arrivals. Prayer appreciated.

India⎼"Please pray for the poor and slum people of India. They are all suffering severely in the lockdown because they cannot buy groceries."

The list goes on and on and grows every day. In developing countries, the world's poor fear dying from starvation, not the COVID-19 virus. Many have no access to health care or basics like running water. They can't stock up on food. No hand sanitizer. Their children are are even more vulnerable due to malnutrition. Some countries have authorized the execution of anyone who doesn't comply with the lockdown. 

The world is in crisis, and YWAM Tyler is committed to helping those in need. Across the globe as supplies have been delivered, men and women kneel in the center of their villages and communities weeping in thanksgiving to God. 



There is a global prayer movement afoot. God's people are interacting with each other like never before as they share needs, concerns, and victories. A brief testimony...Two colonies of Christians were not allowed to leave their homes by the authorities in Pakistan and were running out of food. God answered prayer when food deliveries were made to more than 70 families in need.

Prayer opportunities on Facebook:

YWAM Tyler Partnering With God

YWAM Coronavirus Prayer Group



We have already sent $6,000 to help provide rice and other food. Thank you for the generosity of those who already gave to help us send these funds. We have an abundance of relationships around the world, many in the 10/40 window, that we've developed through many years of ministering. That is a strength in this hour of great need. We have helped hundreds of families, but thousands more are waiting. For $20, we can feed one family for a month.

Would you please consider helping us?


Thank you for your help during this global crisis. Our response teams are continually seeking ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus. If you would like to learn more about how to actively engage in missions, disaster relief, and international aid, please contact us and we will schedule a call with you.