Blog – YWAM Tyler

Mercy and Compassion Warms the Heart

Written by Tyler Tom | 26 Feb 2021

 Texas Winter Storm Puts Missions to Action

After a week of freezing temperatures and, in some cases, no heat in homes for days, Mercy Works, our compassionate ministries department at YWAM Tyler stepped into action.

While some families are covered by homeowners insurance, many low-income families didn't have insurance or the resources to make their homes safe and livable again.

Mercy Works has solicited the help of skilled workmen who are already helping to work with these families and lead teams of volunteers to do clean up and repair.

If you know of a family in the East Texas area that has need of home repairs or if you would like to volunteer your time to help please respond to this post or email Beth, a volunteer missionary with Mercy Works at

We cannot sit idle while our neighbors are struggling. God has blessed us to be a blessing, and together we can bring hope to families across our area. 

"This afternoon I drove to Tyler with Mercy Works and helped bring food and prayer to this family in need. Their house caught fire with no insurance coverage and is unsalvageable. I’m so blessed to be a blessing!" - Kyra, Mercy Works volunteer missionary at YWAM Tyler.

After a long day of working through these tough situations, the team grabbed some refreshing shaved ice for fellowship and to debrief. Divine appointments are real. The owner of Bahama Bucks heard the story of the family whose home burned, and created a fundraiser to help with the family's needs. The love of God is contagious!

YWAM received several trailer loads of food from folks in Pennsylvania and Alabama who just wanted to help Texans through the "snowpocalypse" we experienced last week. Grocery items including meat, bread, milk, eggs, diapers, wipes, and bottled water were handed out at the YWAM Tyler campus.

Compassion ministries is one of the bedrocks of Youth With A Mission. In nearly every nation, missionaries through YWAM, are serving the least, lost, and lonely. If you want to begin the incredible journey of a faith filled missionary life, begin with a 5 month training course with us. The Discipleship Training School could be the start of a brand new life of ministry for you and your family.