Blog – YWAM Tyler

The Rise of Gen Z

Written by Tyler Tom | 16 Jun 2023
The word of the Lord changes everything! Have you ever walked through a season of difficulty contending for God’s promises? Read how the Lord revived Brian's hope for Gen Z during YWAM Tyler's staff conference.
The Lord did so much in my heart during staff conference.  I just thought I'd share a quick little way that He brightened my afternoon! I decided to go to a coffee shop to spend some time reflecting on one of the messages I heard. As I’m reading through Ezekiel 36, envisioning the massive valley of dry bleached bones that were laying out in the blazing sun for quite some time, I told my Gen Z self to snap a little mental pic to remember the moment.
Anyway, when I went back to reading, I notice a skull on a coffee cup with the expression “no worries” in my peripheral. For those that don’t know, the skull is a major part of our BONE structure including the cranial cavity that holds our brain. I proceed to laugh and freak out and think, “Wow God! Are you actually sending me a little message here?” I continue laughing. I say this all to share :
I’m so thankful for this weekend and how the Lord reveals himself in the most mundane ways. How he’s transforming my life, and your life and bringing forth true freedom in my generation! May we see a fresh wave over dry bones that have been languishing in the sun, bleached and hopeless, springing forth with new abundant life! — Brian
Has the world made you feel hopeless for this next generation? God has everything under control so don't give up because of what you see. Now is the time to tap into what you believe, and boldly declare life over God's people. Revival is coming here and God's not done with Gen Z. He's just getting started.