Blog – YWAM Tyler

The School of Good News | YWAM Tyler

Written by Tyler Tom | 16 Nov 2018

This Saturday we will celebrate with our most recent Discipleship Training School, "The School of Good News," at our quarterly Love Feast gathering. The students have returned back to YWAM Tyler's Twin Oaks campus with great God-stories from their outreaches to the East Coast of America, Guatemala, and Mexico. Here are a few special moments highlighted from their trips. God is winning in the nations. 🤩

Adios mi amigos!
Today was our last VBS and our last time with these wonderful kids! There was something so sweet and special about this last group of kids we worked with!

Before meeting them, the Lord spoke to me that they were going to be " children of light." I didn't fully know what that meant, but I see it in them now! God is so faithful in what He speaks, and He loves to give us sweet confirmation on what He tells us. I knew these kids were going to be children of light, but God is so sweet; one of the little girl's name is LIGHT!! She truly was a little light for Jesus too! Her smile beamed just like all the other kids! They where so full of joy and so full of the light of Jesus!

"For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light." Ephesians 5:8

~ Haley Wesley

Went up to the highest point overlooking Pachuca and did some spiritual warfare and prayed over the city then went back down & did some street evangelism in the heart of Pachuca today 😃 Prayed against the day of the dead; God wants it to be a day of Life and that the spirit of death has no power in Pachuca in Jesus name.

~ Joseph Lemons

Living off the grid in an indigenous village, wearing handmade traditional dresses & loving on babies ~ the Purepecha culture is a little taste of heaven ❤️

~ Emily Fish

God is doing some amazing things on our East Coast Outreach. We have had the privilege of praying and worshiping with the Divinity students and undergrads at Duke, evangelizing and speaking truth over the UNC campus, and so much more! The Lord has blessed me with a team of amazing friends, and I am so grateful for His constant outpouring of love. 

~ Olivia VerKilen

Pictures speak louder than words! Here are some more great photos from the DTS outreaches:

Now it's your turn. Take a step of faith in your journey with God to get to know Him better and make Him know to the world. DTS classes start every January, April, July, and October. Your adventure awaits. Learn More about DTS and let's talk about it.