Blog – YWAM Tyler

Thousands of Feet Have Stood on This Map | YWAM Inspire

Written by Tyler Tom | 2 Jan 2019

I’ve volunteered with and attended the YWAM Inspire Conference since its beginning in 2013. My School of Worship was in 2012, and I'll never forget being deeply moved by Josh Langer’s heart for starting a gathering like it. 

We transformed the dusty construction site – the skeleton of the Paris Fellowship Center food storage room – into a quaint meeting space. I remember buying streamers and glitter at Walmart and displaying them out in the dirt.

I also remember the nervous prayers and faith it took for the leaders to step out and believe that God had called YWAM Tyler “for such a time as this” to inspire those who would come to simply worship the Lord, who was and is winning in the nations.

In the past 6 years God has gathered thousands to the PFC. Thousands of feet have stood on the map on the floor in intercession and praise. I’m so grateful to be just one of the many.

I work at a year-round Christian camp ministry, and I’ve used YWAM INSPIRE as a model for seminars I teach here. Two examples:

  • I have used the first YWAM INSPIRE promo video as a launching pad for discussion on many occasions. The beginning of the video shows world disasters and devastations around the world, which sound daunting and crushing, but at the end, testimonies of God’s victory in the nations ring louder. After showing the video, I would lead a discussion on the active victory of the Lord in our world today, how He is winning in the nations, and that He is not blind to our needs. 

  • For the past year, I’ve been leading a seminar for different age groups (ranging from 12-32) called “Be Inspired!” in which we simply sit in a circle and tell testimonies of God’s goodness in our lives; there's no teaching time, no syllabus, just our Bibles and our stories. I realized something very important after the first Inspire Conference: it’s so easy to hear stories from other people and be inspired by them at a conference, but why aren’t we inspired by the Lord and by each other in our everyday lives?

Why don’t we spend time together worshipping the Lord and discussing His goodness at home, in our schools, on the streets, and in the car?

I wanted to take YWAM Inspire home with me—so I did. I now spend the bulk of my time in front of students and peers talking about how God is winning in the nations and in my life. All it takes is just opening my mouth and declaring the goodness of the Lord!

That’s what we do at YWAM INSPIRE! This conference started a spark in me that I want to turn into a wildfire around me. I want to live my life knowing and declaring that God is a God who keeps His promises and He is building His Church and not even the gates of hell can prevail against it.

Guest Author ~ Kelsey Standafer


YWAM Tyler will be hosting another great Inspire Missions and Worship Conference on April 12-13, 2019! Save the date and join us! You too might discover a way to bring inspiration into your community after attending this amazing weekend.