Blog – YWAM Tyler

Without Fear

Written by Tyler Tom | 26 Mar 2018

On a recent Discipleship Training School (DTS) outreach to Mexico, Kelsey overcame fear by obeying God's leading. Her story is an encouragement to us all to not give in to fear but instead to step out in faith.

"Put your trust in Me," God would continually tell me before we left on outreach, and when we showed up, I began to understand why He kept emphasizing trust. Our first city we stayed at was Mexico City. It was a big city with lots of busy people. Because I didn't know much Spanish at all, it was very hard for me to go out and talk to others with boldness. I felt scared and nervous about the language barrier between me and the people of Mexico City.

Then one day in the middle of the city, I heard God say, "Go talk to others. I will give you the words to speak." So I took some friends and a translator and spoke to some people about Jesus. After that day, I continued to speak to others and wasn't afraid. I felt God's presence with me and was no longer a slave to fear. Throughout the rest of the seven weeks we were in Mexico, God continued to show me to not fear but instead take a leap of faith and go. Go out for Christ!

Another instance of this was when we were getting ready to go to the village of Cupacuaro. We heard that there was a lot of witchcraft there, and it was dangerous. As a team, it made us feel scared, but we stopped and listened to God's heart; He told us to not be afraid for He is always with us. So we stepped out on faith and left all of our worries behind and had a fantastic week there in that village speaking to others about Jesus and blessing the only Christian church in the area.

From the very start of this trip, God has shown me to trust Him more.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid for God is always with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9



YWAM Tyler offers training schools all throughout the year starting in January, April, July, and October. If you're wanting to overcome fear and grow in the area of trusting the Lord more, come do a DTS! Take a step of faith and see what God will do in your life during this school!