Blog – YWAM Tyler

5 Things to Consider When Planning Your Gap Year

Written by Richard Fish | 1 Jun 2018

 The first time I heard about a Gap Year was when my son graduated high school and decided jumping into college wasn't on his agenda. Since then I've talked with a whole bunch of students wanting to take a Gap Year and many who already did it.

Here are 5 things to help you feel good about pulling the trigger and taking a Gap Year. 


1. A Gap Year is not for everyone, but it is for a whole bunch of people.

Taking a Gap Year with YWAM Tyler can help you find your purpose and deepen your relationship with God. However, one huge reason people don't take a Gap Year is FEAR.

Overcoming FOMO can be a bigger deal than many of us realize. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is a real thing. Pushing past and fighting against the feeling you will miss out on something back home or in college if you do something different is a real challenge.

Check out what these students said about their time here:  DTS is an experience you'll never forget!

When you hear stories like these, it’s good to know you’re not missing out on anything, other people are!


2. You can earn college credit while taking a Gap Year.

Attending college is a big part of our lives. Getting a good start on your education by laying a foundation for why you believe what you believe could make or break your college experience.

No matter your journey, college or not, our desire for you is to find your purpose and live out that potential, fully engaged with your Creator in every endeavor.

Here at Youth With a Mission in Tyler, TX, we have formed solid partnerships with several different universities who are excited to offer you college credits for your time in our discipleship training school (DTS). Here’s a list of the Colleges and credits available. 


3. A healthy Gap Year can help you find your purpose in life.

Ok, so your fresh out of high school and everyone for the last two years has been asking, “What are you going to do after school?”

We are bombarded with questions about life and purpose, which can bring all kinds of anxiety upon us.

When my son decided not to go straight into college after high school, we were worried he'd just sit around and play video games all day, so we helped him think through what this Gap Year was going to look like.

After some great conversations, he decided to volunteer at the international school he graduated from. He dug in and gave it his all. He helped the school tremendously, his friendships blossomed, and our family had a blast together that year.

His biggest take away from his Gap Year was learning what he did and didn’t want to study in college. 


4. Traveling abroad is one of the highlights of taking a Gap Year!

Of course there are plenty of ways to travel and see the world, but honestly, not like this. YWAM Tyler has been doing mission trips for students for over 40 years, all over the world, in some of the most interesting places on the planet.

We love sending our students out on mission experiences to see firsthand how God is winning in the nations. Traveling with a DTS team gives real perspective on the needs of people around the world.

YWAM believes in teams. Your school is your team, and on outreach everyone looks out for each other. I'm not sure I've ever heard of any two outreaches being the same, but they are always very unique to each school.


5. It doesn't matter when you take your Gap Year.

After graduating from NC State University, my friend decided to do a Gap Year. You know him. He’s that guy who's quiet yet brilliant, and you just know he's going to be world changer. Yes, this was him. However, he was unsatisfied with just doing the next thing. He wanted to do something different.

After much thought and prayer, he jumped into YWAM. After doing schools and serving on staff, he's now leading teams all across Asia, discovering new things about people and God's creation. He's got friends all across the globe and met his wife who also shares his same passions.

Are you ready to do different? Are you wanting to know God in a deeper way? Are you ready to find your purpose?

We specialize in helping students take a Gap Year. After literally thousands of young people have taken a Gap Year with us, one thread connects them all ... It was worth it!

Learn more today about all your options for a Gap Year at YWAM Tyler. We talk to students everyday about this and would love to chat with you to answer any questions you might have. Get more information by filling out the form, and someone from our campus will contact you.