Publishing God's stories among the nations.

At YWAM Tyler, students are graduating their Discipleship Training Schools with tons of memories, friendships, and passion for Jesus! Read some of the most recent reflections of students' experiences.


This year has been truly amazing  YWAM, Tyler is now my home. DTS is like a big family and saying goodbye to everyone was hard, but I cannot wait to see how God uses each and every one of you. Once again, thanks YWAM Tyler for making me feel loved and so close to God. Can't wait for my new adventure going into SOE.  ~Kelsey Jensen~



I love the life long friends that I've made at YWAM. These people are so cherished in my heart. I have grown and changed so much in the past five months, and I'm so beyond grateful that Jesus placed these people to be the ones I grew with. I'll never forget this awesome season of my life! So excited for the next one!   ~Madelyn Johnson~



It’s been a crazy awesome season of my life! I have grown so much in these past five months and met so many great people. I will never forget it.   ~ Connor Shannon~



We have laughed and cried together. We have prayed and grown together. I wouldn't trade the relationships I've made for the world. My life has been forever changed by this school and all the people I had the privilege of getting to know. I can't wait to see what God does in all of us in this next chapter of our lives. Love you all with all my heart. ♥   ~Lindsey Tapia



Jesus came in and changed me completely and used me for His glory. You just need to have the guts to say I’m open, surrendering yourself and taking up your own cross to follow Him.    ~Nicoy Tampo~



I am going to miss these awesome people of God. I've learned alot and experienced alot. They are in my heart, and I am never going to forget them..... I hope I'll see these people in the future, nothing is impossible for God. And God has changed my life through YWAM. Such a blessing for me...... @ YWAM Tyler TX   ~Surya Raghuwanshi~


Such a season of growth and change. It's crazy when I think back to the person I was before I started my DTS. I'm so grateful for the last five months with these people (and many others not pictured). I wouldn't trade it for anything.   ~Claire Shore~



I can’t believe it’s over. Outreach is finished. I’m graduated, and back home. The last two months have been so hard yet so worth it. I got to work with kids; I got to swing an axe and pretend to know what I was doing, and I made some amazing friends. I feel like even though I have a lot of growing to do I’ve come a long way from who I was (thank God). God used this trip to get me out of my comfort zone and to show me that no matter how hard or scary or even dark something may be you can still get through it, shining on the other side. I’m going to miss the friends I’ve made both at Tyler and in Mexico, but even if we never see each other again I know God used you to help me in one way or another - Thanks for letting Him do so!    ~Taylor Evans~


YWAM Tyler has Discipleship Training Schools beginning in April, July, October, and January. If you're wanting your own unforgettable experience, make plans to join us here!

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Tyler Tom

Written by Tyler Tom

You can find Tyler Tom roaming the Twin Oaks campus taking in the fresh sunshine, or sipping a hot latte in the Substation. Enamored by God is faithfulness, Tyler Tom gathers stories and interviews to share with you from what God is doing with His children among the nations.

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