Blog – YWAM Tyler

Do a YWAM DTS and Learn to Hear God's Voice

Written by Amy Fish | 21 Mar 2018

In celebration of World Poetry Day, this poem just might be the needed inspiration to know that God speaks. Psalm 32:8 declares, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you." Twelve years ago I did my DTS and learned more about hearing from God. I read this inspirational book, Is That Really You, God by the founder of YWAM, Loren Cunningham, and the stories left me wide-eyed and wonder-filled. Learning to hear God's voice is a key part of all YWAM Discipleship Training Schools. I'm thankful I devoted five months of my life for this unique training. If you're wrestling with what it means to hear God's voice then do a DTS. You'll get to read this book and discover truths about Jesus that'll change your life.

Loren Cunningham was twenty years old when a vision passed before his eyes

Huge waves were rolling in, but they were different than he usually recognized

They were waves of young people, like himself, marching onto the sandy shores

Missionaries in their teens and early twenties were walking through each continents’ doors


The arresting vision stayed with him for many years to come

He couldn’t explain it really, yet knew the Source where it was from

 For on that ordinary day, God had opened his eyes to see

Championing young people to go into all the world would be his destiny


Learning to hear God’s voice became essential in this man’s life

God often spoke through others like his parents, friends, and wife

But God also spoke through His Word and to his mind, stirring this young man’s heart

Go ye into all the world was a continual reminder that he too had a part


Often God spoke spectacular things, greater than his mind could conceive

And then other times God spoke very convicting words that he, too, had to heed

Having a clean heart before God was needed for God’s guidance and blessing

Bitterness towards those who rejected him became something he ended up confessing


A week of prayer and fasting, became a turning point in his life and ministry

Confession to God and man was key for God’s guidance he firmly believed

It was in New Zealand that the vision of waves began to take shape like never before 

Young men and women, who once were hardened, started crying out to the Lord


After that time of deep probing, new ideas started coming forth

A short-term school where young people could learn, became part of YWAM’s core

In Switzerland, YWAM’s first School of Evangelism began to take shape

Thirty-six students from five nations gathered in an old hotel to be taught God’s ways


Through this first school, God began to raise up ministers to go into all the world

Schools and outreaches in many nations were beginning to unfurl

God was gaining the victory in all the places YWAM was traveling

But through the successes a great danger regarding guidance was also unraveling


It was on a trip to Hong Kong that God brought to mind a ship

“Is this You, God?” was Loren’s first question, for if not he wanted no part of it

He knew this task would not be easy and would require a great amount of work

But God showed him that this ship was apart of his future to help those who were hurt


It wasn’t until years later that the ship actually became a reality

An important lesson had to be learned first about worshipping God solely

 A dream had to die and hearts be humbled for this lesson to be learned

A hunger for the Guider and not His guidance in Loren’s heart was deeply burned


And so the story ends with many amazing miracles taking place

University to the Nations was founded and Mercy Ministries took shape

YWAM has become like that huge wave of young people crashing upon the shores

Praise God, for many from all over the world are hungry to know Him more


When we call, God promises to answer, and what He shows us will surely be great

What we hear will change people, even nations if we let Him lead the way


Take five months out of your life and get to know God! You'll learn what it means to hear His voice, and you'll gain insight into how to make Him known in the world.