Blog – YWAM Tyler

How You Can Champion Generation Z

Written by Richard Fish | 4 Nov 2022

There was a holy stillness in the classroom of 23 students. Some had hands in the air and eyes closed, others knelt, but all were under deep conviction⏤committing the rest of their entire lives to following Jesus. All under the age of 30, these Gen⎻Zers are Discipleship Training School (DTS) students, and they will strengthen our next generation of Christian leaders. 

I wonder if the teachers who scanned the classrooms with Corrie Ten Boom, Hudson Taylor, George Muller, Amy Carmichael, Mother Teresa, and Billy Graham sitting behind school desks knew the impact the child scribbling on their papers would make in the world? 

We just don't know the potential of the young person sitting across from us at church, behind the coffee bar, the waitress, bag boy, soccer player or student. But God does. 

His calling on every person to draw close to Him, get to know Him, and love Him has not diminished. His desire for each young person to hear His voice, obey, and go into all the world as His ambassador hasn't changed. 

Generation Z is listening and responding. The potential for a new generation of fully committed Jesus followers who can jump into every sphere of society to bring His truth is just around the bend. 

At Youth With A Mission Tyler, Texas, we have dedicated ourselves to the process of discipleship. We believe it is the key to transforming nations. We see it happening. We are trusting God to teach, train, and disciple 200 brand new students in our entry level discipleship course by the end of 2023. 

As a missions community, we are completely invested in this process. We've given our lives to disciple a generation whose hearts are fully committed to Jesus. We don't know all the potential of every student in the DTS class, but we know the power of God who is challenging them to follow Him. 

Of those 23 students, which one will preach the Gospel to millions? Which one will take Bibles to closed countries? Which one will give their life for an unreached people group? Which of them will lead our grandchildren to know God? I don't know which ones, but it can happen.

What can we do to disciple Generation Z? 

Would you prayerfully consider investing in their impact on eternity? The Discipleship Training School Scholarship Fund equips students to be immersed in the discipleship process for five months at our campus here in East Texas. 

The first Tuesday after Thanksgiving is "Giving Tuesday" and as you give this year, would you consider making a gift toward the DTS Scholarship Fund? You can provide a foundation in the lives of the next generation of leaders.