Blog – YWAM Tyler

Radio Celebrity Missionary

Written by Tyler Tom | 23 May 2019

As I prepared for my guest appearance on the radio talk show last weekend, though I felt nervous, I could not help but be amazed by God’s care for me … again!

From my first year as a classroom teacher 22 years ago to this first year as a principal, I see that God has been faithful to place specific individuals and mentors in my life to disciple me, to encourage me, and to teach me to thrive where He has planted me. This year was no exception.

A year ago, I sat down to have coffee with Dr. Randy, who was a business consultant, coach, and member of the Texas State Board of Education. From our first meeting, I realized God’s kindness to me through the personal interest Randy has taken in my development as an educational leader in order to see Christian Heritage School (CHS) grow and thrive in this season. We teach of God’s Providence to our students, but there are specific times God specially reminds me that He is rich and He is able.

In April, Randy extended an invitation for me to be a guest on his radio show The Financial Roundtable. He believed if his East Texas audience only knew about CHS, we would have many families from the area who would want to join our school. 

On the radio program, I shared about when Dr. and Mrs. Kilkenny established Christian Heritage School in 1979. God spoke to them through the book of Isaiah about the uniqueness of the school He wished to establish so that  “…all nations shall flow to it…that he may teach us His ways and that we may walk in His paths.” (Isaiah 2:2-3)  

When you walk down the halls of CHS today, you will see the fulfillment of this calling in the beautiful diversity of accents and ethnicities represented by the teachers, staff, and students who make up our school, which is ironically located at the old “white Dixie School."  Christian Heritage School is not simply a historic landmark for the city of Tyler; it is a picture of God's work in our nation. God is in the business of redeeming and restoring individuals, families, and nations. 

Initially, the mission of CHS was to come alongside missionary families to provide an education for children that inspired a foundation of faith while promoting a legacy of liberty. We wanted to strengthen the entire family as they would be trained at YWAM Tyler to obey Jesus’ Great Commission to go into all the world, making disciples of all the nations and teaching them to obey all that He has commanded (Matthew 28). As a family, they would journey out from our campus strengthened with a unity of purpose. 

We soon realized that many families in our East-Texan community are on a mission for the Gospel as well, and they too long to see a generation of young American Christians who know God and His ways and strive to preserve foundations of liberty in this nation.

Randy had me speak on his show of a 3:1 student to teacher ratio that enhances a discipleship education. He emphasized tuition rates being a fraction of the cost of other private Christian schools, making a private school option affordable for families of humble means.  

From the start, people asked Dr. Kilkenny, “How can you expect to find the specialized teachers you need to run a school managed by missionaries?” He would always reply, “That is a great question. I don’t know, but God is able to provide for His school.” Dr. Kilkenny never referred to CHS as his school. I am slowly learning that clinging to God is a posture of strength, which my teacher clearly saw (2 Kings18:6).

Though I am not a famous radio personality after my first guest appearance, I can see that the words God spoke over David are true for me. “I have been with you wherever you have gone…” (1 Chronicles17:8)

~ Guest Author: Jeff Schapansky, YWAM Tyler Missionary & Principal of Christian Heritage School

Visit Christian Heritage's Website

YWAM Tyler not only trains adults to know God and make Him known, they also train children and teens! Christian Heritage School is God's school, which is making a difference in many young people's lives and their families in this community. Join us here in Tyler, TX and bring your whole family to be discipled. You won't regret it! 


What do kids and parents say about attending this amazing school? Check out some of their stories here: 

Influencing Minds Shaping Hearts

A Story of Transformation in the Classroom