Blog – YWAM Tyler

Fundraising Doesn't Have To Suck

Written by Tyler Tom | 9 Dec 2022

Fundraising is a huge part of missions. Whether you are raising money for yourself to be supported as a missionary, or for a project to help others, it takes funding to accomplish our God given goals. Although it can be overwhelming, it doesn't have to suck. 

Over the years we have seen God provide for people in some amazing, actually miraculous ways. This cannot be overstated. When needing support, our attention must first be given to God. He is our provider. How He provides for us is up to Him. We simply obey and do what He says. 

We've highlighted a few of our past articles on fundraising and compiled them here as a one-stop-shop for you to bookmark for helpful hints on raising money for missions. Share this article with others you know who are taking steps of faith. 

First, this 5 minute video is packed with great ideas. Olivia walks through what she's learned about raising support for mission trips, but there's practical steps to apply to other support raising projects too.


Thousands of students have attended our flagship Discipleship Training School (DTS). This training is the gateway for you grow closer to God more than ever before, and to experience missions abroad. We wish it was free, but it takes funds to run training programs and travel the world. Our friend Kayla, put this blog together of the 5 things she experienced in raising money for her DTS. 

5 Ways I paid for my DTS

We learned some of the unique challenges of raising money as an international student from a young woman from Ghana. At YWAM Tyler, we offer scholarships but sometimes that's still not enough help. It's amazing what God does when we obey Him.

👉 You're Not the ONly ONe struggling with fundraising

We often say God is never late but He's rarely early. Richard and Amy experienced this first hand when waiting on funds for their training school outreach. This story will encourage you. 

We Needed $2,500 by 5PM!

This next video is crazy good. God knows what we need before we even ask Him. Doesn't He just want us to learn to listen and obey and He will take care of the rest? Listen to this story!


We often hear, "I can't fundraise," or "I don't know how to fundraise." Megan took some time to look back over her journey in missions and discovered these 8 tips about fundraising to take away the frustration.

8 Steps to frustration free fundraising

Finally, if you are a family and you are thinking this is just for young single people, the Grebb family shares how they stepped into missions as an entire family. Their story is awesome and demonstrates God's provision when we simply say, "YES" to all He's asking us.


Laced into all of these stories, tips and tricks one thing stands out above it all. God is able to do more than we can imagine. Hebrews 13:20-21 says that He will equip us with every good thing we need to accomplish His will. 

At YWAM, we like to say⏤where God guides, He provides. We believe this and you can too. You are not alone in your journey to be funded in missions. It's estimated YWAM has nearly 25k volunteer missionaries out on the field in some capacity. How we are are funded to do His will is truly a miracle by His hand. 

Step out in faith and be discipled to know God more intimately. Our training schools run every January, April, July, and October and we know your life will be enriched by this extraordinary journey.