The Importance of Remembering

Battle lies with truth cards.

3 min read

Truth Cards For Every Christian

By Hope Bear on 29 Jun 2023

girl tossing cards in the air with lake view behind her

Isn't it funny what might seem unexpected to us was God's plan all along? I used to hate my life because I feared the unknown. Feelings of uncertainty would paralyze me. Don't get me wrong. I love my family, and my parents raised me well. But outside of my circle of people, my dreams for a future were nonexistent. By the time I graduated, I struggled to see the bright future everyone talked about.

Looking for a life-giving purpose was hard. It wasn't until my DTS and eventually becoming a missionary, that God showed me my place. I began to have hope for the future.

For many years I've witnessed God's goodness in my life, but my level of faith was stagnant and never grew stronger. You might be thinking to yourself, "How is this possible?"

The truth is, life gets busy and daily tasks devour our time. Which by the way, is no surprise to God. His word proves over and over again that humans are forgetful! Multiple times the Bible shows that God's people were constantly being reminded to never forget what the Lord has done. Who knew reflecting on the miraculous acts of God would be a never ending struggle for us to remember? 

In His loving kindness, God instructed His followers to build altars to bookmark the historical events, not just for themselves, but for the generations to come.

Even today I personally am in awe of these stories because they reveal the foundational truths of our inheritance, and are the focal point behind everything we do and believe. These altars strengthen us, encourage us, and solidify our identities as His children. The truth of God is just as relevant today as it was the first day of creation. It's imperative that we cling to the past, and remain steadfast in years to come.

I began to realize that I needed to create my own altar. One of the primary ways I do this is by making truth cards, with portions of scripture or things the Lord is speaking to me. 

truth cards lining the outside of desk area

With no shame, I admit to being just like the Israelites. As I seek the Lord's presence daily, it becomes more and more apparent to me just how the truth can really strengthen a person. I hold tightly to one of my truth cards which says, "Refining Freedom" which to me means I need to walk through something I didn't know to claim my freedom.

Many months later, when I read those words, I can still feel God's power overflow in the depths of my soul and I am reminded, He is with me. Now, my desk is covered with little reminders that empower me to finish strong.


Without these words, I can get easily discouraged and overwhelmed, not to mention my mindset may be in shambles especially on dull ordinary days. But no matter where I am in life I still want a faith that radiates and reflects a God who can literally move mountains in the nations.

truth cards pinned on desk saying meaning words of encouragement

Declaring the truth written on these cards hasn't just transformed my relationship with God, but also the outlook of my entire day. Just imagine what your relationship with God might be like if you constructed your own altar at home?

If you happen to feel like I did, maybe it's time to ask God for the unexpected plan? Allow the words of God to revive you today. Let's not lose sight of our inheritance! You were created to fix your gaze on Him. Do this and I promise your future will be filled with hope, and will shine bright for God's glory.

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Hope Bear

Written by Hope Bear

Hope Bear works in Media Communications. She loves her family and values relationships. In her spare time she enjoys driving and singing along to all kinds of music. You will most likely catch her driving towards a coffee shop. Above all else, she finds joy in discovering who Jesus is everyday!

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