Has God ever prompted you to do something but you overlooked the opportunity?
I recently was thinking of this phrase, “If you won’t do it God will send another.” I think it's true! God can and will send someone else but He wants to use you! Think for a moment, the Creator of all things wants to partner with you! Imagine what you could accomplish if you were to walk in obedience with the Lord’s plan even in the little things.
Jesus said, ”I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.” -John 14:12
So let's take action! There are people in the world you're specifically meant to encounter and encourage. We like to call it a "divine appointment."
Recently, we started something new called — The GO Team. The heart behind this initiative is to travel across the United States sharing the reality that missions is for everyone. By doing this, the hope is to revive the desire to stay engaged in pursuing the Great Commission. With much prayer, provision, and trusting God’s faithfulness The Go Team came to life! Their first destination began in North/South Carolina. Here are a few testimonials of how God moved in local areas:
Who Steals A Bible?
After praying for healing and wholeness for Mike, who's been on the street way longer than is good for anyone, he told me someone came by and stole his Bible! Who does that?
So I walked into the local bookstore and asked, "Do you happen to sell Bibles?"
The clerk quickly thought, "I think I only have ONE left."
Jokingly, I said out loud, "This is the Bible Belt and ya'll only have one Bible in this store?"
She pulled a really sweet-looking, leather-bound, large print Bible from the shelf. This was no $1.99 special. It was $25 buck-a-roos.
Pulling the Bible from the cardboard sleeve I said, "This looks expensive. Honestly, I was buying this for a homeless man who had his Bible stolen."
The clerk matter-of-factly ranted, "The most stolen book from our store is the Bible!" I didn't know if I should rejoice or not at her statement. Were people that desperate to read the Bible or what?
I responded. "Well, I'm not sure I can pay this much, but I'd sure like to give this guy a Bible."
Another lady not minding her own business, poked her head around from behind the aisle of books and said, "I'll give $10 to the cause!"
"Are you serious?" I asked.
"Well," the clerk blurted out, "I'll give you a 10% discount too!"
With this info I ran back outside, making the jingly front door bell bang the glass a little too hard and shouted up the street to the team, "Hey, I found a Bible, and a donation, and a discount!"
We bought the Bible and wrote a note in the front with our number in case it got lifted again and someone wanted to give it back. We bought Mike some tacos, and handed him his brand new Bible. He loved it.
I know the Bible is important.
Apparently, others feel the same.

One Wild Connection!
Cruising from Greensboro through Winston-Salem we had to exit for a quick pit stop.
We pulled into the tiniest of gas stations and passed a woman waving at us while standing outside her van. Rolling down the window she was surprised to see Vernon, our team member from Costa Rica, behind the steering wheel. I mean, who wouldn't be surprised?
Immediately she spoke Spanish to Vernon and discovered we were a YWAM Group.
She told him she'd attended a DTS in YWAM El Salvador, and not in her wildest dreams would believe that we would pull up next to her today.
She was stranded. Out of gas and out of money. Her eyes were brimming with tears as we filled up her van, prayed together, encouraged one another and we were off and running again.
Divine appointment? Uh … I think so.
God is good.
The GO TEAM is coming to a city near you. Connect with us on social media to find out where and when. We'd love to partner with you. Want to join the GO TEAM to share God's love with this next generation? Start with a Discipleship Training School and let's GO!