Fred Markert visited us at YWAM Tyler this past weekend and brought a convicting message we want to share with all of you. A portion of the notes from the message are here, and the audio clip.
There is hope for America. All is not lost. However, there is something we as the church must consider...
Listen to the message
A Turning Point for Reviving America
On November 3rd, 2020, Fred was diagnosed with an incurable case of Covid 19, and sent home to die. Four doctors told him that death was imminent. However, nearly 2 months later, he recovered! His doctor showed him the x-ray of his chest that was taken at the hospital.
His doctor was a Buddhist from Sri Lanka, who said, “All of my other patients with this identical condition in their lungs are dead! How is it YOU are still alive?” Fred told him about the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the doctor replied, “You have given me reason to study the validity of Jesus.”

The following are excerpts from his message:
God’s government on earth IS the church. The world's condition today is a direct result of decisions the church has or has not made.
"Christus Victor" Christ has already won! The cross is the apex of the World’s spiritual history. But for the past 2000 years, we’ve been involved in a clean-up operation.
“This is a season of massive transformation.” Globalists and secularists are trying to use Covid 19 to transform the globe. Catastrophic politics have fueled this crisis. Karl Schwab (World Economic Forum) has stated, “We are changing societies and the global economy to bring the Great Reset in 2022.” We must remember that crisis enables transformation. Leaders in the church must recognize this moment and use it for significant transformational change within the church itself in order to advance God’s Kingdom and counteract the secularist and autocratic change agents.
“There’s been a historic pattern of Kingdom growth.” If we keep doing what we’re doing, we’ll keep getting more of the same—this is NOT good. God wants massive Kingdom growth. Since 31A.D. the Kingdom of God has expanded and contracted.
“What’s the climate for the best possible growth?” Daniel 2:20-21 says that God changes times & seasons. He raises up kings and tears them down. We’re already in a cultural civil war—half of the US believes there are 107 genders, and the other half believes there are TWO genders—male and female. When the 26 superpowers over the past 5000 years, gave massive acceptance to transgenderism, they collapsed. The US is the 27th superpower in history. America is on the verge of collapse⏤we desperately need revival so we can complete the Great Commission.
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.” (Proverbs 14:34)
“The passion of our YWAM base is revival in America.” One of YWAM Tyler’s primary mandates is to see an awakening in the US. It’s important to recall that on April 26th, 1607, after the landing at Cape Henry, Chaplain Robert Hunt declared that America was founded to bring the gospel to the whole earth. 2 Chron. 7:14 has been one of our key Scriptures over the years. Recently, Jewish scholars told Fred that he shouldn’t use this verse, since they believed it was a promise only to Israel. Then Fred discovered Jeremiah 18:7-8, where God declares, “If at ANY TIME…” Clearly, God means this promise for any nation at any time in history. Joel 2:12-13 also speaks of God relenting from disaster if there’s repentance and revival. In this dire hour, we need God’s empowering even more than the Rapture! We are in a historic moment. We believe this is a strategic calling on YWAM Tyler. Luke 18:27, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” Pruning is constructive. Pruning produces more fruit. God is wooing us because He loves us deeply.
Visit to ready about the "Urgency of History," from Fred Markert
Missions to the USA is big part of our heartbeat here at YWAM Tyler. Join us in the journey of discipleship and missions. Learn more about the next Discipleship Training School.
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