I reached for the clock before it went off at 4:30a.m. Why had I even bothered to set it? I’d hoped that sleep would find me and bring a temporary reprieve from the day I now faced. It didn’t. Things had been set in motion, and I had to respond to the day’s cruel schedule. That fateful day was in 1976. I would learn in the future, sadly much too late, that this was my only child’s life.
Looking back now I know it wasn’t about life at all, but rather its cruel, cold opposite … death. In terminating my pregnancy, I thought I was protecting the father of my child, who was advancing in college and had a bright future. His plans and mine didn’t include a child at that moment.It was a quiet ride to the abortion clinic. I had located one where I lived that would administer general anesthesia. I did not want to hear the sounds that would surround the procedure. Somehow I thought if I didn’t know what happened that it would make it easier. Little did I know the wounding of my spirit that day would cut deeper than any sound or sight could ever penetrate. I could never have foreseen how one tiny preborn baby, short-circuited to eternity, would set my life on a path of destiny.
In the fall of 1979, I arrived at the YWAM base in Solvang, California. This was where God began to put the pieces of my life back together. As I acknowledged what I had done, I received forgiveness, and the truth I learned in my DTS strengthened my walk with God. The base moved to Tyler, Texas, and I continued my discipleship through YWAM.
God used my failure to bring about a strategy that opened doors, which offered life and hope. I would never have dreamed that He could bring so much good out of my tragedy. I have had the role of ‘mother’ to many in difficult situations.
This fall our Discipleship Training School (DTS) is partnering with Living Alternatives by offering a special elective, Lives At Risk, which will give you a greater understanding of how to help women, children, and families have a better future. Come join us!
A Brief History of the Ministry ~ Living Alternatives
In 1982, a friend told me that the 800 number she’d been given to obtain a free pregnancy test was actually to an abortion clinic in Dallas. I recognized the need was great, so I started offering free pregnancy tests from my tiny apartment. Next, a small volunteer team started the Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) in Tyler. It continues to operate today and offers free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and practical assistance.

In 1983, the need for housing pregnant teens became clear, and a small house was used for this purpose. In 1993, we purchased Fatherheart Maternity Home, and it continues to be a place of refuge for girls in need.
We have a licensed adoption agency, Loving Alternatives, that has placed more than 300 babies into loving Christian homes. In 2003, Building Blocks began in response to an ever-increasing demand for parenting classes for our PRC clients. This is an “earn while you learn” program where moms earn points for attending mentoring sessions, which enables them to exchange the points for needed baby items. In 2008, KEEPS Boutique was built on the Fatherheart grounds. KEEPS is an outreach to teenage girls who are in state foster-care homes. They provide new, in-style, and in-season clothing without charge, as well as summer camps and other fun events where they can hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
Come join us this fall for our very first Lives at Risk DTS and discover how deep the love of God is for you and for others. Click the button below to discover more about this DTS elective.
Guest Author - Beverly Kline has been with YWAM for 39 years. Her story of tragedy to destiny has impacted countless of women and saved a multitude of babies. YWAM Tyler is blessed to have her as part of this community.