You know the feeling you get watching a film depicting a real friendship, and your mind spins, heart aches, and goosebumps pop up? Don’t we all, deep inside, long for a real friend? Pause. Can you think of one right now?
You were made by God to be in relationship with Him and others. Introverts and extroverts alike, crave meaningful friendships.
Perhaps you’ve been hurt by someone you were vulnerable with, someone you believed to be a good friend. Painful past relationships can definitely affect developing new ones. Finding one friend, let alone a group of them, can be quite challenging when social media deceives us into thinking we have many close friends.
How does one find a real friend⏤one which will last through thick and thin?
Aimee attended a Discipleship Training School a few years ago to draw closer to God, and found more than she ever expected in authentic friendships.
"For years I longed for friendship. Deep friendships. Friendships where you can be real and 100% yourself. Through my teenage years friendships were fickle. They came and went. There was a long and hard season when I begged God for friends. I felt so alone. In that moment I really didn’t know if God was going to answer that prayer, now I can look back and see God’s faithfulness."
"As I stepped out to do my Discipleship Training School, I deepened my relationship with Jesus, but I also began to have lifelong friendships that I'd prayed for. Friendships that have been through good, bad and ugly but came out stronger. Friendships that pray for each other and listen. Friendships that aren't afraid to call me out and point me to Jesus. Most of them are long distance now but I am so grateful for God’s timing."
"It is really sweet to look back and see God’s faithfulness. Share the desires of your heart with Him. He truly cares for you. No, it might not be instant but His timing is perfect." - Aimee

Remain confident in the Lord's plans and timing for your life. The right friendships will come at the right time.
When Aimee dove deeper with the Lord and made Him a priority, everything started to turn around in her life. Drawing closer to God changes everything. Follow Him and you will realize how much He cares about you and your friendships.