Publishing God's stories among the nations.

3 min read

Standing in His Presence

By Zach Golding on 10 Jul 2020


Standing In His Presence

How do you stay in the presence of God in a chaotic world?

I stand in a boat in the sea of my life. The waves surge and crash against me as a wild storm rages.

I turn and see my Lord asleep.

I yell through the storm, "Help me!"

But he just looks at me, shakes his head, and calls me to him.

“Child,” he says softly, “I’m in control. Come rest in me.”

The rain pours and the waves still crash, but they don’t disturb me anymore. Why? Because I found the eternal source of peace.

Pain. Suffering. Have you gone through that recently? Have you felt like your world is falling apart?

Do you shake your fist at heaven and ask, "Where are you, God?"

What does it mean to be in his presence? We may feel it when the worship team seems to be on point that morning or when we hear a dynamic teacher.

But what if it’s more than that?

When God says he will never leave you or forsake you, does he really mean he will never, ever leave you?

John 15:4-5 Jesus says, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Constantly remaining in the presence of God is the backbone of our faith, there is no other way to truly live out christianity.

To remain in God is a relationship and he wants to have one with us. Just like a friend, we ought to converse with him, but as he is God, we ought to worship him as well. The more we practice such things the easier it is to do.

His presence is empowering and peaceful. Fear and stress melt away when it is just you and him. It changes who you are as well. Who you surround yourself with influences your character, so it is with being in the presence of God. In Galatians 5:22-23 Paul says the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

This is evident in my own life. While the situations in my life haven’t gotten better, my response to those situations has changed in such a way that they don’t have the same weight they once had.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make the city of God glad, the holy place where the Most High dwells. Psalm 46

ywam-tyler-missionary-boat-storm-ruben-chs-paintingThis original art was painted by a Ruben, a recent Christian Heritage School graduate, for one of his teachers. 

So yeah, I’m still in the boat in the middle of a storm.

And sometimes it feels like the storm will pull everything apart.

But it’s okay 'cause I’m resting in the presence of God.

God is calling you to him as well.

In the midst of the storms in your life, with the waves crashing all around you, are you willing to take his hand and rest in his presence?


Lacking peace? Create some space in your life and discover God's plan and purpose for your life. The Discipleship Training School is a great place to spend time seeking God. Experience His love for you and serve those who need to know His love as well!

Learn More

Check out this incredible story Zach shared with us about his personal journey experiencing the freedom Jesus brings. 


Zach Golding

Written by Zach Golding

Zach started his missionary training with us in July of 2019. Since then, he's traveled and shared his story overseas and in the USA.

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