Who is going to help them?

It's a sea of devastation and cold with no help in sight.

The ground rocked underneath the feet of millions of people in Syria and Turkey on the fateful day of February 6th. Within minutes rubble from entire blocks of apartment buildings became tombs for families and entire communities. As rescue workers continue to hear voices crying from beneath the debris, our Christian friends and workers are engaged to bring hope in a disparaging time.

Towns on the Syrian border of Turkey have been obliterated. Many lives, homes, and businesses have vanished. In one small area where our missionaries serve in Syria, more than 3000 lives have been lost. Grandpas and grandmas, moms, dads and children are left alone with no families to care for them.

earthquake in syria rubble in townThis picture was taken by our missionaries on the ground in Syria

The people group in this isolated part of Syria are overlooked because they are viewed as rebels and radicals. Our missionaries are there because we believe these outcasts need the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Presently, there are no planes bringing relief supplies of any kind to help in Turkey or Syria. With our connections and your generosity, we can provide needed help before it's too late. The cold is setting in and conditions are worsening. 

A donation of any size will help as we collectively contribute. We have set an initial goal of $30k to help meet crucial needs in the wake of this crisis. 

Immediately, we need to purchase blankets, food, and temporary shelters, along with fuel for heat, cooking and other supplies. Many of those affected by the earthquake haven't been open to the Gospel. It's in moments like these when our care for the physical can open doors for the saving power of Jesus to be experienced. 

This initial boost of support and prayer is the beginning of hope. 

Please consider helping us provide financial assistance to our workers who will provide aid to those whose lives have been devastated by this disaster. All gifts go directly to those in need. Distribution of funds are carried out by Mercy Works, and our Syrian missionaries.

Please Consider Making a Charitable Tax-Deductible Contribution

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Tyler Tom

Written by Tyler Tom

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