I still owed $750 on tuition, and the $1,000 due for the outreach plane ticket was due that day. The trip to Greece was in just three weeks, and I needed an additional $2,000 on top of the airline ticket. I had no idea where this money was going to come from, and I was freaking out.
I trudged into class. If God had called me to do this YWAM school, why didn't He provide? As the teacher was talking, I took notes but I wasn't really taking it in.
Then he said something that snagged my attention. "If you are trying to pay for outreach and you only have $20, pay the $20. When you do all that is possible, God will do the impossible."
When you do all that is possible, God will do the impossible.
Man, that was convicting! I didn't know how much I had in the bank, but I knew I could pay whatever small amount I had. As soon as class finished, I went to an ATM and checked my balance. I had just over $750!
I did not remember having that much. That was crazy! I withdrew it and paid off the tuition. My bank account had never been so empty, but I trusted God. Even if He did not provide for this mission trip to Greece, He was still good and had a perfect plan for me.
I started to earnestly pray and seek God not only about my own finances, but for my classmates as well. Many of us were needing funds.
Just like that, finances started coming in. Bam! $1,000 for the plane ticket. Kapow! $50 gift from a friend. Swoosh! $750 from my home church. Every day I was overwhelmed by the love and generosity of God and those who gave. I wanted to cry.
The weeks continued to zoom by. Before I knew it, there was only a week until outreach started, and the amount I needed was down to just $350! I still had no idea how this was going to get paid off, but I was hopeful.
I was mopping the floor as the sunset gleamed through the windows. I don't know why I did, but I remember saying, "You know God, I would do anything for you."
WARNING! Those are 9 dangerous words! You know what He said? "Alright. Help lead worship at the community group you have been going to on Saturdays."
I almost dropped my mop! Lead worship? I don't sing, I don't like being the center of attention, and I can barely stick to a rhythm. Why would God ask me to do such an embarrassing thing? But I had already said I would do anything for God.

Saturday arrived. My heart raced. I was thoroughly dreading the community group. I had only practiced for like an hour before the group started. I hid my shaking hands behind my back. My friend started playing the guitar. I closed my eyes and started singing.
Man alive, it was so hard. It took everything in me to steady my shaky voice. I kept reminding myself, "I am doing this for God, I am doing this for God, I am doing this for God."
We finally finished the set, and I sank into my chair. It took a solid 5 minutes for my breathing to return to normal. Afterward, someone came up to me and said, "You know, when you were singing I felt led to give you $400 for your mission trip."
My eyes widened. I thanked him, thanked God, and tried to contain myself from literally jumping for joy. I was going to Greece!

Why did I have to lead worship for the rest of the money to come in? During the mission trip I ended up leading worship several times. Through it all, I learned to trust God so much.

Putting in $750 before having a guarantee for the remaining $3,000 doesn't make sense. Leading worship when you can't sing certainly doesn't make sense. Sometimes following God doesn't make sense (at least from a human perspective), but it is so worth it!
Here's a personal message from Allison:
Coming to do a Training School at YWAM Tyler may not make sense. You may not even have any finances for it! But like Allison learned, if you do the possible God WILL do the impossible. If you think a Discipleship Training School may be for you, click the button below.