"Make sure there's no evil unbelief lying around that will trip you up and throw you off course, diverting you from the living God." (Hebrews 3:12)
During one of my YWAM training schools, I learned a new word, Renounce, which changed my life and the way I daily practice dependance on God.
One of Merriam Webster's definitions for Renounce jumped off the page when I looked it up:
1. To say in a formal or definite way that you refuse to follow, obey, or support any longer.
I can't recall ever hearing this word before nor can I remember ever using it. It's a huge word though and should be a bigger part of all of our vocabulary, especially as we seek to worship Christ alone.
In class, we took a big dive into the topic of finances. Actually the Bible has a lot to say about money, and it was refreshing to dig into the Word and let it speak to our hearts. I appreciate how YWAM values God's Word and encourages us to be in it regularly. One particular passage profoundly impacted me during that week.
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6:24 NKJV)

Many translations use the word money or wealth in the place of mammon. However, money has no power itself. The rectangular pieces of paper and glittery coins in my wallet cannot control me. Mammon represents something much darker and always has a debasing influence.
The spirit of mammon seeks to keep me in bondage and often operates out of fear. Every time I've worried over money concerns, I've bowed a knee to mammon. When I've withheld my tithe because I didn't think I had enough money to give, I've worshipped mammon. When I've been impulsive in my purchases and discontent with what I have, I've succumbed to mammon's influence. Yet the Word is clear, no one can serve two masters!
So as we studied finances through a Biblical lens, I fell under a deep conviction sitting in that classroom because I knew there'd been times I had served mammon. It became clear that this spirit had tried to wreck our family over the years too, and my heart grieved. Then I saw the truth being laid before me: Renouncing is my ladder to freedom. I cried out to God for forgiveness, and then I grabbed hold of my authority in Jesus Christ and told this evil spirit he was no longer welcome in my life or family.
I refuse to follow, obey, or support mammon any longer. He's a liar and a thief, robbing me of joy and peace. My loyalty lies with God alone, for He is a good Father and worthy of my complete trust and worship. Since that training school, renounce has been incorporated into my vocabulary! Whenever this dark spirit wants to throw me off course, I just tell him to get lost! I don't want to be diverted from the living God anymore!
Maybe you too will find this word to be significant in your life as you refuse to follow, obey, and support any other besides Jesus! One of YWAM's foundational values is to practice dependance on God. If you are wanting to gain a better grasp on what it to means to practice dependance, come do a Discipleship Training School. You won't regret it, and you just might gain some new vocabulary that'll change your life 😃