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2 min read

My View of Ministry Changed

By Tyler Tom on 30 Nov 2018

At YWAM Tyler, we are hearing amazing stories of God working in unforeseen ways. The Currey Family recently had such experiences with the Lord while on their Crossroads Discipleship Training School (CDTS) outreach to New Orleans. As a family, they obediently came to YWAM Tyler to get to know God, and it's exciting to see how He  has expanded their horizons and worked in and through their family.

Topics: Crossroads DTS YWAM Outreach Families in Missions Family DTS Family Missions Prayer CDTS Crossroads Holy Spirit Children in Missions
3 min read

The Rebirth of a Missionary Dream

By Tyler Tom on 17 Jul 2018

A few years ago, I went to the regularly scheduled Monday morning prayer meeting at the YWAM Tyler campus my husband and I are a part of. This particular meeting was to focus on prayer for the newest School of Strategic Missions (SOSM) on their first day of class. As we prayed, I felt the Lord leading me to Luke 15, which is where Jesus is speaking about: The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin and The Lost Son.  As I pondered this and prayed, I sensed God speaking to me that He wanted to restore what was lost in for these missionary students attending the SOSM. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Dreams Calling Families in Missions Missionary Missionary Training
5 min read

The Two "P's" of Family Missions Training | YWAM TYLER

By Tyler Tom on 27 Apr 2018

What do families entering missions need?

What must a training program provide in order to adequately prepare a whole family for a life of missions?

Reflecting on my own family's experience, I can now sum up these needs in two words: Partnership and Participation.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Family Adventures Families in Missions Family Missions
3 min read

Adventures in Family Missions

By Tyler Tom on 16 Feb 2018

Last summer our family of four embarked on a new chapter in our lives as we arrived with great anticipation at YWAM Tyler, ready to begin family missions training. We came with no expectations - just a willingness to learn and grow in our faith. Now, I can look back and say we made the best decision for our family by taking that leap of faith. During our five months of training we grew closer to God and to one another, as our marriage and family relationships were strengthened. We now have God in the center of our family’s life, where He belongs!

Topics: Family YWAM Tyler Family Adventures Families in Missions Family DTS
2 min read

"I Will Go" with Kids in Tow

By Kriya Herzog on 17 Nov 2017

When I first started traveling as a YWAM missionary, I was in my early 20's and had no children. I remember more than one well-meaning person telling me it was good I was "getting it out of my system" while I was young because once I had kids, I would no longer be able to travel in missions but would instead need to settle down. I guess God had other plans though because I now have five children under the age of twelve and I am involved in traveling on outreaches as much or more than I ever have been. I am amazed at what God has enabled me to do with five children in tow! Here are some examples:

Topics: Family Adventures YWAM Outreach Families in Missions
2 min read

Twin Oaks Introduces New Leadership Team

After more than 60 years of visionary, dedicated, and faithful leadershipLeland Paris, one of the founding fathers...

2 min read

Courageous Women

What does it take to become a courageous individual? William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, observed that...

3 min read

Building Foundations

How do you increase your faith? Former student Sarah Horan shares her heart on how God revealed His truth to her during...

2 min read

Missions Changed Me

From as far back as my junior high school, I remember struggling to find happiness. I felt like I didn’t fit in and...

2 min read

Unexpected Friendships

When we follow God, sometimes we have our own expectations of what God will do through us. This can sometimes cause us...
2 min read

Miracles in the Classroom

What does a young person chasing after God's heart look like? Christian Heritage School desires to fan the flame of the...

4 min read

Cross-Cultural Christmastime

Have you ever wondered how Christmas is celebrated around the world? We asked four of our YWAM Tyler missionaries to...

3 min read

My Stepmom Thinks YWAM Rocks

Have you ever been curious about going to a Discipleship Training School but don't know what to expect? In a recent...

2 min read

Marked by God

Can you imagine God sending someone from another country to see you? While in Thailand, Jess Reminger encounters a man...

2 min read

The Day I Thanked God For Losing My Job

One morning I sat in the classroom during my training school with YWAM, and I was crying, thanking God for the loss of...

2 min read

Sharing The Gospel Isn't Complicated

God has been doing amazing things with our DTS team on outreach in Thailand. As the team has made themselves available,...

2 min read

How DTS Changed My Child

Before I left for my Discipleship Training School, my family really had no idea what YWAM was. If your family...