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2 min read

Twin Oaks Introduces New Leadership Team

By Bonnie Moore on 5 Feb 2025

After more than 60 years of visionary, dedicated, and faithful leadershipLeland Paris, one of the founding fathers of Youth With A Mission, has resigned his position on the Board of Directors of YWAM Tyler. It was under Leland’s devoted and caring leadership that the ministry developed its strong training programs, witnessed hundreds, if not thousands, giving their lives to our Lord and many others committing their lives to the call of missions. During the last 3 decades, his leadership has highlighted the needs of those living in some of the poorest regions of the world, and most notably many nations in AsiaAlthough Leland no longer has any involvement in the ministry’s day-to-day operations, our heart-felt prayers are with him as he cares for his wife, Fran, who is dealing with a chronic illness.


Since Leland’s resignation, the ministry has moved from a transitional leadership team to the establishment of a new leadership team of capable and gifted men and women who are committed to building strong teams and leadersThese changes have not been without challenges, and we have been grieved to see some of our staff members leave and choose to serve elsewhere. As a result of our regrettable losses, we have created a Conflict Resolution Team dedicated to addressing the concerns that have been raised. Our intention is to learn and grow through this process. In spite of these sad losses, we are moving forward with renewed determination as we tackle new opportunities that lie ahead.


Our leadership team is currently assessing the ministry and developing a detailed strategy that will nurture a culture that is informed and reflects the long-tested values of Youth With A Mission globally. We are currently evaluating our organizational functions to ensure we are aligned with the core values, the vision, and the mission of our ministry. We are committed to truth, trustworthiness, and celebrating who we are and the future we believe God has for the ministry.


We are filled with optimism with what God is doing among us and are strengthened by His faithfulness to us and believe the ministry will see God’s kingdom advanced this year and in years to come. 

2 min read

Courageous Women

By Tyler Tom on 8 Mar 2024

What does it take to become a courageous individual? William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, observed that "some of my best men are women." During the last few years two brave women, who trained at YWAM Tyler, went to the Middle East to make an impact on people and point them to Jesus.  We recently touched base with "Sarah and Mary" to get an update on their ministries. 

Topics: Relationship with God Obedience Life-Changing Cross-Cultural Hope Faith Following God influence courageous
3 min read

Building Foundations

By Tyler Tom on 22 Feb 2024

How do you increase your faith? Former student Sarah Horan shares her heart on how God revealed His truth to her during a Discipleship Training School (DTS). Growing in your faith is a constant learning process. Discovering the reality of who He is will strengthen and solidify who you are and what God created you to be.

2 min read

Missions Changed Me

By Quinn Evans on 8 Feb 2024

From as far back as my junior high school, I remember struggling to find happiness. I felt like I didn’t fit in and lost confidence in myself.  School was difficult and friendships evaded me. I wondered if I would ever be happy.  My high school years continued to be a challenge and I was looking for happiness in all the wrong places.   My Mom tried everything, even sending me to Wilderness camps to help me find my footing. Eventually, I went to a private therapeutic school for my senior year.  Unfortunately, my life continued to be shrouded in darkness.

Topics: Crossroads DTS Belief Hope Answered Prayer Faith Confidence Go Deeper with God Called to Mission testimony
2 min read

Unexpected Friendships

By Abby Bridgeman on 26 Jan 2024

When we follow God, sometimes we have our own expectations of what God will do through us. This can sometimes cause us to put God in a box and feel like we aren’t being used at all, when in reality we are being used in a way we just didn’t expect.
Topics: Connection Communication Discipleship Opportunities ministry faithfulness friendship student communications long distance
2 min read

Miracles in the Classroom

By Tyler Tom on 8 Dec 2023

What does a young person chasing after God's heart look like? Christian Heritage School desires to fan the flame of the next generation. Every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow with the Lord. Principle Jeff Schapansky shares testimonies of God moving miraculously in the classrooms. 

Topics: Relationship with God Spiritual Growth Making Him Known Education Miracle Make Disciples CHS christian education
4 min read

Cross-Cultural Christmastime

By Tyler Tom on 7 Dec 2023

Have you ever wondered how Christmas is celebrated around the world? We asked four of our YWAM Tyler missionaries to share some of their most memorable Christmas traditions from the countries they have lived in or experienced!

When we first moved to Thailand, it was July. Survival was at the top of the list, not contemplating how we would decorate for Christmas. Advent came nonetheless, and it was time for our family to figure out how to decorate our Thai style home for the holidays.

3 min read

My Stepmom Thinks YWAM Rocks

By Tyler Tom on 21 Nov 2023

Have you ever been curious about going to a Discipleship Training School but don't know what to expect? In a recent interview, Christy Ellis gives her perspective on the transformation she witnessed God do during her step-daughter Katelyn's DTS experience.

Topics: Life-Changing Following Jesus Encounter God Hope Get to Know God Transformation discipleship ywam missions DTS
2 min read

Marked by God

By Tyler Tom on 13 Nov 2023

Can you imagine God sending someone from another country to see you? While in Thailand, Jess Reminger encounters a man named Danny, who was seen and noticed by God. This testimony gives us a glimpse into how present God is in creation. 

2 min read

The Day I Thanked God For Losing My Job

By Tyler Tom on 11 Nov 2023

One morning I sat in the classroom during my training school with YWAM, and I was crying, thanking God for the loss of my job.

Topics: Training School YWAM Tyler Missions Purpose YWAM DTS Thankfulness YWAM Following God Missionary Training Go
2 min read

Sharing The Gospel Isn't Complicated

By Tyler Tom on 3 Nov 2023

God has been doing amazing things with our DTS team on outreach in Thailand. As the team has made themselves available, God has opened doors for them to speak the truth and build relationships with people living in local villages. The testimony you are about to read is just a glimpse of how the Lord uses us to be His hands and feet to ensure that those who need Him know they are seen and loved.

Topics: YWAM DTS Thailand YWAM Outreach Gospel Adventure Global Missions Love Community Answered Prayer God's Presence Prayer Go Holy Spirit God's Love
2 min read

How DTS Changed My Child

By Hope Bear on 27 Oct 2023

Before I left for my Discipleship Training School, my family really had no idea what YWAM was. If your family is anything like mine, I want to put your mind at ease about saying yes to God. I asked my Mom, Christina Bear, to share her thoughts and how she felt when I left to pursue God's next step for me at YWAM Tyler.
Topics: God's voice Family Life-Changing Identity Discipleship Opportunities Hope Faith Following God Go DTS parents
2 min read

Laying Down My Rights

By Tyler Tom on 19 Oct 2023

I was sitting in my DTS classroom, my head wrapped in thoughts of a family circumstance that was happening. We had teaching on Lordship and Surrender, which was timed perfectly for what I was struggling with. I had a sense of fear and lack of control over the situation, but throughout the class, God kept reminding me that He has control of the unknown and that I can trust and surrender it all to Him.

Topics: Worship Freedom Hope Faith surrender life lessons relationship intimacy lordship perseverance create
5 min read

Breaking Out of the Box

By Joanna Kaye Baggett on 13 Oct 2023

There really is such thing as a Jesus glow. The glow where you’re so full of Jesus, it’s so evident and so seen from within that it overflows onto the outside of you. You see, it’s one thing to be beautiful on the outside, but it’s a whole other thing to become beautiful on the inside. There are a LOT of physically beautiful women in this world, but outward beauty means nothing when the fruit on the inside is rotten.The darkness in this world sucks the life out of you, and blows your flame out resulting in lifelessness. The only way I could ever describe myself before I knew Jesus was lifeless.
Topics: Purpose Identity Insecurity Freedom Hope Faith Confidence Beauty Deeper with God God's Love Overcoming
2 min read

Loren Cunningham a Faithful Visionary for God

By Tyler Tom on 7 Oct 2023

A Tribute to Loren Cunningham ~ June 30, 1935⎼October 6, 2023

There is a book entitled, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction. This captures my thoughts of Loren over a lifetime of knowing him. Many people’s direction with their giftings has a very defined focus of following through on one project. However, with Loren as a visionary, he sees the big picture and is broad-scoped.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missionary YWAM Vision ywam missions Loren Cunningham Youth With A Mission Leland Paris visionary legends
2 min read

Faith Like a Child

By Matheus Barros on 6 Oct 2023

My name is Matheus Barros and I am from Brazil. I completed my DTS in 2019, and it was an amazing, life-changing experience of growing in my relationship with God.   

By the end of the Discipleship Training School, God started speaking to me about attending the School of Evangelism (SOE). I felt God prompting me to do the school, but I resisted the idea because I didn't have the tuition. I had a month long break between the two schools and I began to pray to see if this was even going to be possible.

Topics: Trust God Obedience YWAM Outreach Finances Faith provide surrender ywam missions soe testimony God's will faithfulness
3 min read

Lessons Learned at YWAM Tyler Continue to Shape My Life

By Tyler Tom on 29 Sep 2023

As I awoke again to the sound of the sea surging on the rocks, the scream of the gulls, and the beautiful vista fanning out before me, I was struck with the thought, “However did I end up in Newfoundland?” Me, whose life was going to be happily-ever- after in the nirvana of Beautiful B.C. The chain of events was unexpected, un-sought, and wandering, yet God brought me to my heart’s home in this extraordinary province.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Direction Life-Changing Choice Missionary Missionary Life Discipleship Opportunities Community Faith Missionary Training Dependence on God surrender Called to Mission God's will
2 min read

What I Didn't Expecting During My YWAM DTS

By Tyler Tom on 15 Sep 2023

With tears in my eyes, I pulled down the door of the Budget rental truck, said goodbye to my apartment, and heard God say to me one more time, “Will you give up all I’ve given you to receive all I have for you?”

At 26 years old, God was calling me to a Discipleship Training School. I had no idea what to expect other than God was getting ready to stretch me in a way I had never been stretched before. I sold most of my furniture, stored the rest of my belongings, and headed to YWAM Tyler. In faith, I stepped out trusting God, the author of my life, and believing I needed to expect the unexpected from this point on.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Living in Community Relationship with God Following Jesus YWAM DTS Spiritual Growth Journey Perspective Faith Get to Know God Deeper with God friendship
3 min read

Trusting God To Make A Way

By Tyler Tom on 8 Sep 2023

Sometimes the best thing a leader can do is tell you to seek Jesus for yourself. In reality, as Christians, we should all be trying our best to seek Him first. Kaleigh Seliskar helped disciple students while serving SSTs this summer. Listen as she shares an encouraging testimony of how God increased her faith through a student. 
Over this summer, I had the honor of working with YWAM Tyler’s teen summer camp called SST.  During this time, I had many roles. One of them included guiding and encouraging three teenagers to prepare a teaching. They would have the opportunity to share their teaching at a Vacation Bible School (VBS) they would help with during their outreach in Houston.
One of the students, "Josh", was preparing a teaching on Moses and the Red Sea. He came to me on the last day of preparation and said to me “Kaleigh, I want to give an altar call at the end of my teaching but I don’t know how to do that. Can you help me?” I asked him to pray about it and then come to me later and we could talk about how to do it.  He never come back, so I assumed that he either decided to skip it all together, or that he went to another leader and talked about it. 
The next week we were in Houston and Josh gave his teaching on the final day of VBS. The kids in the group were engaged the whole time, and consumed by what Josh had to say.  Towards the end of his teaching, he began looking around the stage like he was missing something. At this point, I was pretty confused because his teaching appeared to be going as planned and he hadn’t missed anything. Suddenly, he stopped looking around the stage and seemed very excited and he did something that the other leaders and I had not expected. He asked the kids in the VBS if they wanted to accept Jesus, and if they did to raise their hand. Twelve of the nineteen kids responded immediately.
Josh ran to the side of the stage and pulled two cases of water to the center of the stage, got back on the mic and said, “If you just raised your hand, come onto the stage and walk between these cases of water like the Israelites did through the Red Sea to show everyone that you are going to follow Jesus.”  All twelve of those kids got up and ran to the stage to declare their dedication to follow Jesus.
 As a staff member for these SST students, I was so impressed with Josh's creativity and on-the-spot thinking. This is just one of the few ways that the teenagers in the SST were able to impact the people of Houston.  Not only did they touch the people of Houston but I was also personally affected by them. At times I felt that I was too young or just didn't have enough experience to share my faith. The SST students blew those thoughts away. Their fearlessness and resilience showed me that age has nothing to do with my ability to talk about Jesus.

Did it ever occur to you that when you were all grown up the next generation would look up to you? It doesn't matter what you think you are capable of, God can and will use those with willing hearts to fulfill His plans. If you open yourself up and follow wherever the Lord may lead, He will amaze you every time. Seek Him first and He will always be there to help you.

 New call-to-action
Topics: Trust Knowing God Making Him Known Discipleship Opportunities Freedom Faith Teenagers SST Leadership Youth With A Mission ministry youth Red Sea
2 min read

Hope for Maui Amid the Fire

By Tyler Tom on 1 Sep 2023

As news spread across America about the wildfires in Maui, we have been postured in prayer for our friends and family affected by this devastation. We've come together and lifted up prayers to God on behalf of the people affected by these wildfires. Missionary staff here at YWAM Tyler, Kaina and Brandee Lee are from Hawaii and give us a feet on the ground testimony of what's happening. 

In a recent interview to see how we could come alongside the people of Maui, here is what they shared with us⏤

Topics: Trust God Rebuilding Hope Peace Together faithfulness wildfires
2 min read

Spiritual Leadership for the Next Generation

By Aaron Wardlaw on 25 Aug 2023

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility? Being a leader is far from easy but if God called you to it He won't lead you astray. He wants to guide you through every situation you will face in life. Aaron Wardlaw shares his testimony about personal obstacles he overcame during outreach while being a small group leader.  

Topics: Trust God Discipleship Opportunities Teenagers Dependence on God Leadership Overcoming influence
2 min read

All or Nothing

By Hope Bear on 18 Aug 2023

Do you remember the day Jesus became real to you?

When I hear the lyrics to "When You Walk Into The Room" play anywhere, my mind immediately goes back to Camp Jackson's sanctuary. This church camp holds a great deal of significance in my life with Jesus.

When my mind wanders back in time, I reflect on the sweet moment I had there where God met me in my lowest place and called me worthy. Even now, my words can't express how His nearness made me feel. From that day forward, I knew without a doubt that God was real!

Topics: Trust Pray Belief Choice YWAM DTS Encounter God Peace Deeper with God surrender relationship lordship
3 min read

I Am Not Disqualified.

By Tyler Tom on 11 Aug 2023

It is well with my soul . . . Really?

I’ve heard these words many times. Something about them stands out to me, but can I say it is well with my soul and really believe it is? Loving God is one thing, but living with Him fully enthroned can be difficult sometimes because it's not about me anymore.

It’s hard. I desire. I fear. I feel. 

Topics: Purpose Trust God Belief Life-Changing Spiritual Growth Freedom Hope No Fear Overcoming surrender Called to Mission God's will perseverance
2 min read

Overcoming Lies through Discipleship

By Hope Bear on 4 Aug 2023

I never thought I’d experience the freedom that I so desperately prayed for when I was younger. Believing every lie the enemy whispered in my ears paralyzed me with a fear that enslaved my mind, and suffocated my identity. I was a Christian to the best of my knowledge,

Topics: YWAM Tyler Freedom Sin YWAM Truth Overcoming DTS testimony joy lies
2 min read

Fear Doesn't Have To Derail You From Fulfilling Your Purpose

By Tyler Tom on 28 Jul 2023

Is God calling you to step out in faith and apply for a Discipleship Training School (DTS), but fear keeps kicking you in the guts? What if this turns out to be the biggest mistake of your life? What if you're asked to do something way out of your comfort zone? What if you don't fit in? Run out of money? Or fail everyone's expectations? What if you're not really hearing God's voice after all? Something is gnawing away inside your head saying, "I just don't think I can do this!"

Topics: Purpose Following Jesus YWAM DTS Calling Destiny Overcoming Fear Hope No Fear Hearing God's Voice Faith discipleship fear jesus
3 min read

Nana Taught Me Almost Everything About Jesus

By Hope Bear on 21 Jul 2023

Is it just me, or does every generation go through a season of life believing they know it all? Even the Apostle Paul did. It wasn't until he met Jesus on the road to Damascus that he realized how blind to the truth he really was. Don't you think most people need a dramatic experience to give them perspective on their life and what's really going on?

2 min read

Trusting God for the Impossible

By Tyler Tom on 14 Jul 2023

With little to no money towards her outreach, Emma Hamlin experiences a financial miracle. There is freedom that comes with trusting the Lord, but nobody said it was going to be easy!

Even when His ways don’t seem logical to us, remember He is faithful! Read and see how Emma was able to believe what God said above all else.

2 min read

Being Comfortable with Silence

By Randi Wright on 7 Jul 2023

Mae sat next to me on the passenger side of the car. The silence was thick in the air between us as we drove home. As part of the staff at Fatherheart Maternity Home, taking expectant moms to doctor appointments was normal.
She had just arrived at Fatherheart a week earlier, and we hadn’t had time to get to know each other yet. I began the drive that afternoon by asking her questions, none too personal, to try and get to know her a little bit. But it was clear by the roll of her eyes and her short, quick answers that she was not in the least bit interested in conversation.
Topics: Trust Serving Prayer ywam tyler staff trauma living alternatives teen pregnancy crisis pregnancy listening father heart silence
3 min read

Truth Cards For Every Christian

By Hope Bear on 29 Jun 2023

Isn't it funny what might seem unexpected to us was God's plan all along? I used to hate my life because I feared the unknown. Feelings of uncertainty would paralyze me. Don't get me wrong. I love my family, and my parents raised me well. But outside of my circle of people, my dreams for a future were nonexistent. By the time I graduated, I struggled to see the bright future everyone talked about.

Looking for a life-giving purpose was hard. It wasn't until my DTS and eventually becoming a missionary, that God showed me my place. I began to have hope for the future.

2 min read

A Salvation Bracelet Won Her Over

By Tyler Tom on 23 Jun 2023

Have you ever heard a testimony and walked away in awe of who God is? Listen as Montie shares her personal experience of how the Lord shifted her perspective on sharing the gospel to some little children living in Indonesia:
As I listened to a teammate telling the Easter story in a kindergarten class that day, I started having a negative attitude. I thought why are we doing this? This isn’t their first language and they probably won’t understand the meaning. Then I remembered how my daughter accepted Jesus as her Savior.
Topics: Outreach YWAM Outreach Perspective Travel Salvation Bracelet indonesia teamwork
2 min read

The Rise of Gen Z

By Tyler Tom on 16 Jun 2023

The word of the Lord changes everything! Have you ever walked through a season of difficulty contending for God’s promises? Read how the Lord revived Brian's hope for Gen Z during YWAM Tyler's staff conference.
Topics: Trust God Following Jesus Hope Coffeehouse revival generation z quiet time faithfulness perseverance dallas
5 min read

A 15 Second Testimony

By Amy Fish on 8 Jun 2023

If you only had a small window of opportunity to share the gospel, where would you begin? Amy Fish shares her observation on the effectiveness of a fifteen second testimony.  
Recently, 150 of us gathered at our main YWAM Tyler campus to prepare for a special day of ministry. We were going to spread out in teams across the city to flood the area with the love of Jesus in word and deed. Before heading out, we learned a quick way to tell our testimony.
10 min read

The Five Solas for Every Believer

By Tyler Tom on 2 Jun 2023

Seven seniors threw their black caps high in the auditorium celebrating their graduation from Christian Heritage School. Everyone present grinned from ear to ear as the seniors shared their gratitude to parents, teachers, and classmates who had encouraged them in their lifetime. 

A highlight was the commencement address given by one of our Peruvian teachers, Priscilla Ugarte. We published the address in its entirety so you can receive the full context of her message. It's impacting!

Topics: Celebration Christian Heritage School high school principal approach CHS christian education ywamtyler the five solas sola graduation
1 min read

How to Create with the Holy Spirit

By Richard Fish on 25 May 2023

Designing stuff can either breathe life into me or hover over me like a dark cloud. I can stare for hours into the pixel abyss of my computer screen wondering if anything meaningful can pop out my head. I've had writer's block. I've thrown a thousand scraps of paper ideas into the waste bucket. I've made stuff which stuck around forever in the parking lot of "could've been." 

4 min read

What Will You Give Your Life For?

By Richard Fish on 12 May 2023

It was Saturday morning and slightly overcast when the van with 7 students and 4 adults heard an alarming bang under us. Our driver carefully brought the 75 mile an hour trip to a halt on Highway 20 heading to Dallas Love Field Airport. The tire on the Mercedes van was shredded, and the wrenches on hand to change the tire were the wrong size.

We had a feeling this might be an eventful trip.

Topics: Destiny Education Christian Heritage School America CHS christian education ywamtyler washington dc tyranny
2 min read

Your Identity is in Jesus Christ

By Tyler Tom on 5 May 2023

"Jacob is sharing his testimony of how he said 'yes' to Jesus. Now he is showing how he was baptized to hundreds of students in schools, and even on the streets of Norway and Sweden 🤯."⏤Matheus.

Sometimes it's hard to believe what can happen through the life of just one Discipleship Training School (DTS) student.

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler Growth Following Jesus YWAM Outreach Spiritual Growth Discipleship Opportunities Following God Make Disciples Transformation baptism discipleship hunger
2 min read

Making Friends Doesn't Have to be Complicated

By Tyler Tom on 28 Apr 2023

You know the feeling you get watching a film depicting a real friendship, and your mind spins, heart aches, and goosebumps pop up? Don’t we all, deep inside, long for a real friend? Pause. Can you think of one right now?
You were made by God to be in relationship with Him and others. Introverts and extroverts alike, crave meaningful friendships.
Topics: YWAM Tyler Trust Love YWAM Loneliness friends friendship making friends
2 min read

I Found Freedom from My Sin

By Tyler Tom on 21 Apr 2023

Forget the world and give me Jesus! Quinn Evans, a Crossroads DTS student on outreach, shared a radical encounter when God pulled her out of a life of sin, and set her heart ablaze to share the Gospel.

Her experience gives hope to the brokenhearted! When you make the conscious decision to fully surrender, you'll discover what it means to truly be free.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Freedom Sin YWAM surrender repentance lordship
3 min read

Find Healing by Forgiving Your Parents

By Tyler Tom on 14 Apr 2023

"I don't think I can forgive him." Perhaps you have used or have heard this phrase used when it comes to the topic of forgiveness. If we rely merely on our own strength to forgive others, forgiveness will seem impossible. 

Recently, we had the privilege of hosting a retreat for Shiloh Ministries who equips men to conquer addiction. Throughout their classes here, God revealed, healed, and delivered these guys from so much! The story you're about to read is about one man who was able to claim his freedom as God walked him through the process of forgiveness...  

Topics: Healing Freedom forgiveness wholeness alcohol fathers parents alcoholism abuse abusive
1 min read

The Best Week of My Life

By Tyler Tom on 7 Apr 2023

“It was hot. It was dirty and humid. We had to squat to use the makeshift bathrooms in the bush camp. And it was one of the best weeks of my life." Ben, DTS Graduate.

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler Missions Purpose Evangelism Life-Changing YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach Making Him Known Adventure Travel Mission Trip Missionary Training discipleship unreached unreached people groups DTS tanzania africa
1 min read

A Pack of Cigarettes Led a Man to Jesus

By Carly Snyder on 1 Apr 2023

Our team partnered up with a local church to do evangelism in our city. I was paired with a couple and their eight year old son.

Sometimes it can be difficult in East Texas to share the gospel or pray with people because they give responses like, “No thanks, I don’t want prayer. I prayed on Sunday.” But today was different!

Topics: Outreach School of Evangelism YWAM Tyler Evangelism Following Jesus Gospel Faith discipleship jesus cigarettes
2 min read

How to Start Spiritual Conversations with Muslims

By Tyler Tom on 22 Mar 2023

During the month of Ramadan you can engage in meaningful conversations about life, faith, and God with Muslims. In this series of 9 videos learn simple steps to create meaningful conversations with Muslims.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Pray Knowing God YWAM Prayer muslim iftar meal Ramadan night of power fasting
3 min read

Is another “JESUS REVOLUTION” coming?

By Mike Huckins on 17 Mar 2023

Seeing what is happening on some college campuses, perhaps it has already begun! Their hunger will not be denied! I have chosen the two pictures because they represent those of this present Jesus generation, sometimes called “Gen Z.”

Topics: YWAM Tyler Knowing God Life-Changing Following Jesus YWAM Prayer College Ministry awaken revival great awakening project generation z asbury university great awakening asbury jesus revolution revolution
2 min read

Your Life Matters

By Richard Fish on 10 Mar 2023

"Well, I don't want to kill myself anymore!" That was not the response I was expecting to hear when Mia was asked at a staff meeting interview how going through discipleship training and serving at our mission affected her life! As we applauded her answer, I realized a lot was packed into that simple arresting statement.

Topics: Freedom Love Hope God's Love suicide discipleship jesus death suicide prevention
3 min read

Jesus Revolution

By Richard Fish on 3 Mar 2023

The chilly air in the theater lobby reminded me I should have brought a hoodie to stay warm. As my wife, and the 16 year old young man we invited to watch this film with us strolled past the marquee, he asked, "What kind of movie is this, anyway?" That's fair. The photos of hippies and what looked like a Jesus type character decked out in psychedelic garb made it clear this would not be a Liam Neeson thriller. 

Topics: Following Jesus Hope Transformation awaken revival jesus spirit of jesus great awakening jesus revolution revolution darkness spiritual darkness joy
5 min read

Revival Fires Spread Across the World

By Tyler Tom on 24 Feb 2023

Revival fires are springing up all over the country and world since the beginning of the outpouring at Asbury University two weeks ago. Several of our Go Team members recently stood at Samford University, as students flocked to the chapel to pray, worship, cry, and repent into the wee hours of the morning. 

What happens next?

Topics: YWAM Tyler discipleship ywam missions revival asbury university asbury pulse movement
2 min read

You Can Help Survivors of the Earthquake in Syria

By Tyler Tom on 17 Feb 2023

The ground rocked underneath the feet of millions of people in Syria and Turkey on the fateful day of February 6th. Within minutes rubble from entire blocks of apartment buildings became tombs for families and entire communities. As rescue workers continue to hear voices crying from beneath the debris, our Christian friends and workers are engaged to bring hope in a disparaging time.

Topics: Missions Rescue Mercy Works Strategic Frontiers ywam missions mercy humanitarian humanitarian aid Youth With A Mission earthquake syria turkey foreign missions
6 min read

Revival Wave at Asbury University 2023

By Richard Fish on 10 Feb 2023

Is this the start of another Great Awakening? As believers and missionaries, we have hungered for more of God in our land, churches, families, communities, and schools. Has it begun in a tiny school in one of the smallest of towns in Kentucky? My daughter is there now in the midst of this move of God.

(UPDATE 2.22 — This will be our final update to this published blog. After two weeks of non-stop worship, prayer, and repentance, those who desire to continue to gather in central Kentucky will meet in an off-campus location. It was reported 20,000 were on the campus on Sunday the 19th. After some safety concerns and the sheer volume of people, the revival had spread to two other campus buildings, along with outdoor video streams, where worship and prayer continued.)

Topics: Worship Prayer Holy Spirit revival repentance great awakening project asbury university great awakening john wesley forgiveness asbury
5 min read

A Year for God

By Elsa Hlady on 2 Feb 2023

Someone somewhere said, "You can do anything for a year!" If God asked you to give a year of your life for discipleship and missions, what would your answer be? Elsa, a graduate from Discipleship Training School said, "It starts with a sparkle, a thought, a desire for more. Dreaming of adventure, seeking an uncertain purpose. A will to serve, a thirst for deeper understanding."

Topics: God's voice YWAM Tyler Dreams Trust Direction Gap Year YWAM DTS Adventure Community YWAM Confidence Crossroads Deeper with God gap semester surrender mission adventures
4 min read

Divine Appointments are Real!

By Tyler Tom on 27 Jan 2023

Has God ever prompted you to do something but you overlooked the opportunity?

I recently was thinking of this phrase, “If you won’t do it God will send another.” I think it's true! God can and will send someone else but He wants to use you! Think for a moment, the Creator of all things wants to partner with you! Imagine what you could accomplish if you were to walk in obedience with the Lord’s plan even in the little things.

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler YWAM DTS Local Church Travel YWAM bible poverty giving DTS go team
2 min read

How DTS Set Me Free

By Jonah Blackwell on 20 Jan 2023

Fighting for my relationship with God 24/7 was one of the most challenging actions I've ever taken in my life, however, I knew what I wanted was worth it and fulfilling. I was yearning for God to awaken these dry bones and transfigure me into a new creation. For Him to continue to transform me, I had to build up my spiritual endurance and become stronger in my faith in God and rest my worries upon Him. 
Topics: YWAM Tyler Change Belief Following Jesus YWAM DTS Spiritual Growth Depression Freedom Anxiety Sin Faith Following God suicide DTS Youth With A Mission relationship ywamtyler pain
2 min read

The Day I Got Saved

By Richard Fish on 13 Jan 2023

My phone buzzed on silent mode in my pocket while I was busy just doing normal old stuff. But that vibrating buzz alarms me everytime. Glancing at the shortened notification on my homescreen I saw the first line, "… I heard the Gospel for the first time." It was from Glenn. Glenn reminds me of speaker Bob Goff, the writer of Love Does, because he lights up the room wherever he's at and makes you feel like you're the boss. I was honored to be on the list of umptine friends in his contacts⏤my name and number got the text. 

Topics: Missions Following Jesus Missionary Hearing God's Voice Salvation surrender saved lordship bible study
2 min read

Why You Should Read the Bible Every Day

By Richard Fish on 6 Jan 2023

Every year for the past 20 years I've read through the entire Bible. I remember the daunting task of the daily reading schedule and thinking there was no way I could do it. But I did! The first time it was a "resolution" of sorts. Now, I read everyday because I can't imagine a day without hearing from the Lord through His word. 

Topics: Knowing God Bible Hearing God's Voice God's Presence Get to Know God bible poverty devotion ending bible poverty bible reading plan daily devotions quiet time intimacy listening
3 min read

The Greatest New Year’s Resolution I Ever Made

By Jonna Russell on 30 Dec 2022

You have heard the stories in the Bible. In Genesis, God said to Abram, “Go…”. In Matthew, Jesus calls Simon (Peter) and Andrew and says to them, “Follow me…”. In John, Jesus speaks to the people saying that he is the light of the world and once again invites them to follow him. But these are the stories of people long ago. I grew up thinking the reality of these things happening again is so far-fetched and unforeseen. Is that really how God works today?

Topics: Crossroads DTS Family Adventure Family Adventures Missionary Missionary Life Family DTS Family Missions Missionary Training
4 min read

Have You Heard the Bells?

By Tyler Tom on 23 Dec 2022

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is commonly known as 'America's Poet,' and the recent film by Sight & Sound, brought the story behind the beautiful Christmas song to life. Watching Longfellow's story unfold on the big screen was a fascinating experience. 

Word quickly spread among our missionary staff about the quality and story of the movie and quite a few went to see it. We realize people are searching for hope during this Christmas season. Pain and loss can debilitate even the strongest person of faith. How do we overcome when our painful discomfort seems more than we can humanly bear?

Topics: Christmas Hope Peace Salvation jesus I heard the bells longfellow peace on earth henry wadsworth longfellow death christmastime pain loss
5 min read

4 Earth Shattering Truths I Learned on my DTS Outreach

By Anthony Huerta on 15 Dec 2022

After sitting in three months of mind-blowing DTS classes, I was ready to get our there into the real world with the rich truths I'd learned! The best way to solidify all God has done in our lives is to transfer the knowledge into our daily experience, allowing His grace to have its perfect work.  And that’s just what He did during our 8 weeks of travel covering 20,000 miles, including 2 nations in East Asia.

Topics: Outreach Korean Missionary YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach Poverty Making Him Known Nations Faith God's Presence Mission Trip Make Disciples Prayer Redeem Go Dependence on God World Changer God's Love
4 min read

Fundraising Doesn't Have To Suck

By Tyler Tom on 9 Dec 2022

Fundraising is a huge part of missions. Whether you are raising money for yourself to be supported as a missionary, or for a project to help others, it takes funding to accomplish our God given goals. Although it can be overwhelming, it doesn't have to suck. 

Topics: Provision Fundraising Missions Trust God Trust Missionary Missionary Life Faith Missionary Training Money support work funding support raising
2 min read

Discipleship is the Key to Missions

By Richard Fish on 2 Dec 2022

This is me with one of only 800 copies of the Bible in the Sakari language. Honestly, it was a holy movement grasping this book. Even my co-workers were drooling over it. It’s not fancy. No gold leaf.

But it’s special.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Bible Missionary Global Missions Missionary Training bible translation ywam missions Youth With A Mission Called to Mission ywamtyler mission adventures south asia ending bible poverty school of strategic missions
3 min read

Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving

By Chris Lascelles on 24 Nov 2022

The tradition of celebrating a Thanksgiving holiday is a wonderful part of American life. Although this holiday is closely connected to what’s called the First Thanksgiving, held by the Pilgrims and their Native American friends in 1621, we should note that the holiday also reflects a broader culture of giving thanks to God that was more common in times past.

However, regarding the Pilgrims, let’s take a moment to look at three aspects of their story that are not always remembered today, yet make this holiday an important event on America’s calendar.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Thankfulness YWAM America pilgrim Youth With A Mission holidays thanksgiving
3 min read

God Is Moving in Ukraine

By Tyler Tom on 18 Nov 2022

We receive urgent requests for prayer almost daily from Ukraine. It is incredible how God can orchestrate ministry even in such a dire situation. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Refugees Home YWAM DTS Serving Global Missions ywam missions war short-term missions Youth With A Mission Ukraine
4 min read

What You Need to Know Before Taking a Gap Year

By Richard Fish on 9 Nov 2022

What if you could graduate high school, and you and your friends could travel the world with purpose? Would you consider it?  Does it sound too far-fetched? Deep down doesn't it sound exciting⏤taking a year "off" and discovering everything God has for you before your next big decision?

Well you can, and for many it's been the best decision they ever made. I've talked with a whole bunch of students wanting to take a Gap Year and interviewed a few who already did it.

Here is what you need to consider before taking the leap: 


Topics: Purpose Growth Knowing God Gap Year YWAM DTS Encounter God Travel Education Get to Know God Redirection Missionary Training Teenagers World Changer Deeper with God ywamtyler
2 min read

How You Can Champion Generation Z

By Richard Fish on 4 Nov 2022

There was a holy stillness in the classroom of 23 students. Some had hands in the air and eyes closed, others knelt, but all were under deep conviction⏤committing the rest of their entire lives to following Jesus. All under the age of 30, these Gen⎻Zers are Discipleship Training School (DTS) students, and they will strengthen our next generation of Christian leaders. 

3 min read

Ministry to Displaced Ukrainians

By Tyler Tom on 21 Oct 2022

A team of 25 missionaries from East Texas-based Youth With A Mission, or YWAM, are on a two-month outreach trip to Poland, providing immediate aid to Ukrainian refugees who have fled violence in their home country. Josh and Meg McClung are leading an outreach team through MercyWorks, a YWAM ministry. 

Topics: Home Mercy Works YWAM Outreach ywam missions DTS Ukraine Poland kltv
4 min read

How You Know You're A Missionary

By Tyler Tom on 7 Oct 2022

No one says it quite like Darlene Cunningham, co-founder of the largest mission organization on the planet — Youth With A Mission. In her book, Values Matter, the following excerpt makes us as "ywamers," laugh, ponder, and even cry. We think you'll get a kick out this too and perhaps hear God calling you to step out in faith to follow Him to ends of the earth.


Recently, I was pondering some of the unique ways God has equipped YWAM to be a visionary pioneer movement. He has called us to continually be receiving, nurturing and releasing fresh vision from God. Thoughts began to cascade from my mind faster than I could write them down:

Topics: YWAM Core Values YWAM Tyler Missions Adventure YWAM ywam missions Youth With A Mission darlene cunningham mission adventures YWAM Foundational Values
2 min read

God's Smuggler | A Real Life Hero

By Tyler Tom on 29 Sep 2022

I believe in heroes, and I have had many in my lifetime. Brother Andrew, known as God's Smuggler, is undoubtedly one of those. He has impacted my life very much.

Topics: Missions Evangelism Missionary Global Missions YWAM World Changer end bible poverty Called to Mission god smuggler brother andrew influencer
2 min read

Dealing With Fear

By Mary Brock on 23 Sep 2022

I know a lot of people who no longer watch the news. Not just because they are overwhelmed, but they question the sources.  44% of the worldwide news is reportedly inaccurate. The other 56% leaves enough to cause a lot of concern. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Missionary Life Overcoming Fear No Fear Missionary Training fear
2 min read

The Spirit of Jesus

By Richard Fish on 9 Sep 2022

In an upcoming social media post that you'll see in the coming days, we are posting the caption: "The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intense of a missionary we become." As part of the editing team I wasn't 100% convinced of this statement. 

So, I decided to reach out to some long-term, incredibly thoughtful missionaries at our campus to ask them their opinion. What I got as a response was quite incredible.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Following Jesus Missionary Missionary Life Making Him Known Make Disciples Missionary Training ywam missions unreached jesus spirit of jesus
2 min read

I Found God's Will and Escaped a Major Disaster

By Fernanda Batista on 26 Aug 2022

No relationship or career is worth more than being at the center of God’s will!

I had just finished law school in Portugal, and I was planning to go back. I had no problem with the language since I was born in Brazil. Maybe I could get my masters in law, and marry my Portuguese boyfriend who was not a Christian. Deep inside, I knew that this relationship was not from God, but I loved him so much that I couldn’t hear God’s voice.

I was about to change my life drastically. I could’ve gone in a totally wrong direction. I knew my next decision was an important one. I could not make it by myself. I needed God’s direction, and I started to seek Him deeply.

Topics: Purpose Hearing God's Voice Peace Get to Know God God's will relationships relationship
2 min read

The Day I Turned Around

By Rose on 19 Aug 2022

We are so proud of our students here at YWAM Tyler. Please read Rose's story of how God set her free from self-harm and a slow suicide. God is so kind and so gentle to lead us from our dark situations to places of freedom, and being able to minister to others. 

Before being saved, I was in and out of treatment centers, on and off of drugs, putting myself in deadly situations, searching for love and validation through people that never ceased to disappoint me.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Life-Changing YWAM DTS Freedom Love God's Love suicide life
2 min read

Generation Z! Let's GO!

By Duncan Zadrapa on 12 Aug 2022

I was born in 2003, and I am proud to be a part of Gen Z.

I believe Gen Z holds the potential to release a catalytic revival within the body of Christ.

One thing some people like to associate with my generation is that we do nothing but put tide pods in our mouths, and that we are scared of face to face interaction because we are consumed with technology.

Our modern day media tries to sell us a tainted message⏤Just do you, focus on yourself, and do what makes you happy, and now we have a major problem...

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler Missions YWAM World Changer discipleship revival generation z
6 min read

Joy Dawson~A Tribute

By Mary Brock on 5 Aug 2022

I suppose it is possible, but there can't be many YWAM missionaries around the world who haven't heard of Joy Dawson. When word spread of her death, the fruit of her ministry instantly came to mind. Many of us had the privilege of hearing her speak, and perhaps listened to her teach for a week in a YWAM training school, or read one of her books. Most of us have a story about her, or can share how she has impacted our lives.

Topics: Missions Obedience Following Jesus Prayer Missions in America legacy joy dawson ministry
5 min read

I Don't Want To Do This Anymore

By Amy Fish on 1 Aug 2022

I’ve been re-reading a book that my husband Richard and I read when we planted the church ReaLity in Greenville, South Carolina. No Compromise is the life story of Keith Green written by his wife, Melody Green. It tells the story of how Keith and Melody came to believe in Jesus and then follow Him.

Something about their story and Keith’s music resonated within us as we were ministering to young people in Greenville. Not only were Richard and I drawn to Keith Green’s life and song, but the people in our church were as well. His songs were raw, deeply moving, and full of the Holy Spirit’s anointing. Keith’s story changed us. We were challenged to live fully surrendered and love sacrificially.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Following Jesus Families in Missions Missionary Life YWAM Faith Following God Transformation Band surrender devotion revival keith green melody green no compromise legacy last days ministries
4 min read

Is America Doomed?

By Tyler Tom on 29 Jul 2022

Fred Markert visited us at YWAM Tyler this past weekend and brought a convicting message we want to share with all of you. A portion of the notes from the message are here, and the audio clip. 

There is hope for America. All is not lost. However, there is something we as the church must consider...

Topics: YWAM Tyler Hope YWAM America USA revival repentance fred markert great awakening project
3 min read

Set Free From Shame

By Tyler Tom on 22 Jul 2022

Read this captivating interview with YWAM student, Alex, as he shares how he was set free from shame during DTS.

Alex, when did you do your YWAM DTS?

January of 2022

Why did you decide to attend a DTS?

I decided to do a DTS when the Lord put it in my heart that He wanted me to come to YWAM, Tyler. I was in a very dark place in my life. I didn’t know who I was or where I was headed. College was just not the right choice for me. I wanted something new and fresh, and more than anything else, I wanted to focus on my relationship with the Lord. 

5 min read

Keith Green's Message Continues to Encourage a New Generation!

By Carl Hamper on 15 Jul 2022

It was July 28, 1982, exactly 35 years ago to date (at the writing of this blog post), when Keith Green and others took off from an airstrip, almost in walking distance from where I am sitting now, and left the earth behind never to return. The airplane accident that took the life of singer-songwriter Keith Green, shook the lives of the evangelical Christian community around the world.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Change Obedience Knowing God YWAM Outreach Calling Families in Missions Go Children in Missions memories devotion Called to Mission keith green
3 min read

Why Not Abortion?

By Tyler Tom on 8 Jul 2022

As many are commenting on the overturn of Roe Vs. Wade, we had the opportunity to hear from a YWAM Tyler missionary who has walked through some of the trauma related to this topic first hand. We are thankful for her vulnerability, as she shares her story with us.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Rescue Identity Love Abortion Transformation orphans living alternatives foster care teen pregnancy Roe VS. Wade testimony crisis pregnancy
3 min read

The Blessing of Intentional Discipleship

By Abby Bridgeman on 1 Jul 2022

One of the biggest lessons I've learned is the power of intentional discipleship.

When I signed up for my Discipleship Training School (DTS), I assumed because of the name that there would be discipleship involved, but I had no idea how intentional YWAM Tyler is in the discipleship process.

Topics: Training School Healing Relationship with God Growth YWAM DTS Overcoming Fear Discipleship Opportunities Anxiety Following God Blessing discipleship life lessons
4 min read

When God Told Me Not To Go To College

By Tyler Tom on 24 Jun 2022

Dennis is a solid guy, and we want to honor his life and story through this blog. He serves here at our YWAM Tyler campus in many ways. It is our hope that you, as the reader, will be inspired by the miraculous things God has done in, through, and for him!

Topics: School of Evangelism Provision School of Worship YWAM DTS Calling Overcoming Fear Encounter God No Fear Faith Mission Trip Blessing DTS
6 min read

8 Steps To Frustration Free Fundraising

By Megan Bixler on 17 Jun 2022

Sometimes, people want to step out in faith to attend our training schools here at YWAM, Tyler. But fundraising can feel like a frustratingly insurmountable hurdle. One of our missionaries, Megan Bixler, would like to share some of the wisdom and encouragement she has learned from fundraising. Please read this and be encouraged that God really will provide for all that he has called you to do.

Topics: Training School School of Evangelism Fundraising YWAM DTS Insecurity Freedom No Fear Faith Mission Trip Money giving DTS
3 min read

Does God Really Set The Lonely In Families?

By Meg Ferguson on 10 Jun 2022

In 1982, I entered the foster care system. I was three months old. My parents moved out of our apartment without me. I spent the next 16 years, before my legal emancipation, bouncing from foster home to foster home. From the time I was three years old, I longed for a forever family. For me in my life, a forever family never came, but for some, it does...

Topics: Healing Family YWAM Tyler Freedom YWAM Inspiration Loneliness Abortion Lives at Risk trauma compassions orphans living alternatives foster care
3 min read

The Send: Joining the War Against Inaction

By Amanda Pearl on 20 May 2022

When I went to The Flood, I was expecting breakthrough, but little did I know what it would entail.

The Flood was a week long event preceding the Send missions movement, held in Kansas City, Missouri. During The Flood and The Send, there were lots of worship times, speakers such as Francis Chan and Lou Engle, as well as outreaches each afternoon of The Flood. Before going to the Flood, I was not completely sure what to expect. I knew it was going to be incredible, but what would that look like?

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Purpose Urban Missions Evangelism Gospel Missionary Making Him Known Global Missions YWAM Mission Trip Action the send discipleship DTS revival
4 min read

Bombs Erase Ukraine's Historic Beauty

By Tyler Tom on 6 May 2022

In these last few days, the bombing has shifted away from the surroundings of Kyiv, to the Black Sea cities of Mykolaev and Odessa. Weeks ago, it seemed as though Odessa was on its way to conquest when storms, and other strange things seemed to force the invading Russian army back.
Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Mercy Works christian war Ukraine history russia odessa
7 min read

Let's Go to Mongolia Together

By Tyler Tom on 22 Apr 2022

Want to hear an audacious goal? We want to reach the entire nation of Mongolia with the Gospel and place a Bible in every home⏤with God's leading and your participation we can do it! There are 900k homes in Mongolia, and God's given us a plan to reach them all! One day we will knock on the last door, hand them a Bible, share about Jesus, and shout with joy that we did it. What a day that will be! 

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler YWAM Outreach Bible Gospel Travel Mission Trip end bible poverty bible poverty mongolia bless mongolia
2 min read

Easter Sunday on the Mediterranean

By Abby Bridgeman on 15 Apr 2022

When I woke up on Easter morning, I saw the Mediterranean Sea glistening in the sunlight.I was on my School of Evangelism outreach in the Middle East. It was a memorable experience to see what it was like celebrating a holiday in another country, especially one so different from what I am used to in America.  

Topics: Missions Purpose Spiritual Growth Adventure Mission Trip Easter Middle East
2 min read

Highs and Lows of Living in Community

By Abby Bridgeman on 8 Apr 2022

I woke up to the blaring beep of someone else’s alarm clock. A quiet hush was over the girls' dorm when I left my room. As I got ready, I saw people walking through the bathroom and hallways, some energized and prepared for the day, while others looked rather sleepy.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Spiritual Growth Community YWAM Faith Blessing friends conflict management
2 min read

One Family Risks It All

By Josh McClung on 25 Mar 2022

Front Line Missions in Poland -  Ukraine

Our family of four stepped away from the comforts of home, a steady income, community, family, friends, and church to live in full-time missions nearly two years ago.

5 min read

Missions on the Ukraine-Poland Border

By Richard Fish on 10 Mar 2022

ministry at the ukraine-Poland border

When war erupts we cry out, "God, what can we do?" Right now, there are solid ways to impact this crisis. Mercy Works, a ministry arm of YWAM Tyler, has sprung into action to help. I caught up with Debbie Lascelles, director of Mercy Works, to find out how we can use this window of opportunity before it closes.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Rescue Mercy Works Hope YWAM mercy war Ukraine orphans
6 min read

Getting Free from PORN is Possible.

By Eric Melvin on 28 Jan 2022

Breaking a Porn Addiction

I am sharing my story to encourage others who may be entangled in this web of deception. There is hope and a sure path to freedom. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler YWAM DTS Divorce Freedom Family DTS Missionary Training ywam nola Overcoming porn sexual sin pornography sexual addiction
4 min read

9 Dangerous Words Changed My Life.

By Allison Bice on 21 Jan 2022


I still owed $750 on tuition, and the $1,000 due for the outreach plane ticket was due that day. The trip to Greece was in just three weeks, and I needed an additional $2,000 on top of the airline ticket. I had no idea where this money was going to come from, and I was freaking out.

Topics: Outreach Provision Finances Miracle Possible Mission Trip Following God
3 min read

The Day My Life Changed Forever

By Emma Goodall on 14 Jan 2022

My Life Will Never Be The Same

This picture is from the first day of my Discipleship Training School. Not the greatest photo in the world, but honestly, this was the day my life really began.

5 min read

Is That Really You, God?

By Amy Fish on 17 Dec 2021

Get a FREE copy of Is That Really You God?

Ever wonder if the thought forming in your brain was from God?

I know I have many times. 15 years ago, I did my DTS and read the inspirational book by the founder of YWAM, Is That Really You God?

His stories left me wide-eyed and wonder-filled. I honestly couldn't put it down. He addressed the very questions I had about hearing from God. 

Topics: YWAM Core Values YWAM Tyler Missions YWAM DTS Missionary Hearing God's Voice Faith Mission Trip Missionary Training Go Dependence on God World Changer Action ywam missions Loren Cunningham Youth With A Mission Is That Really You God
2 min read

Led by Drunken Sailors

By Tyler Tom on 29 Oct 2021

Guided by God through Uncertainty

It was dark, and we were tired. "God, what should we do?"

Our long day of outreach started when men from another village came to guide us into a different region of the Philippine island of Bucas Grande.

Topics: Outreach YWAM Outreach Mission Trip philippines short-term missions medical
2 min read

Sharing the Gospel with Armed Guerillas

By Tyler Tom on 15 Oct 2021

Sharing the Gospel with a Terrorist Group

Early one morning, we were abruptly awakened by a teammate, "Guys! Come quickly! There are men outside with guns!"

Topics: Outreach Obedience YWAM Outreach Gospel Mission Trip Go humanitarian aid philippines short-term missions terrorists NPA communism
3 min read

Evangelism Outreach Gone Bad

By Richard Fish on 8 Oct 2021


We zigzagged up the dirt roads into the mountain jungles of Thailand to visit a small children's school for our Discipleship Training School outreach. Our team had prepared well, but not for what was about to happen to me.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions YWAM DTS Thailand Story YWAM Outreach Missionary Missionary Life YWAM Family Missions Mission Trip Missionary Training ywam missions
2 min read

A Miracle On The National Mall

By Mia Buckley on 24 Sep 2021

Worship and Prayer Brought a Real Miracle from God

Almost a year ago, I was on my School of Evangelism (SOE) outreach. Our team was at David's Tent, a ministry hosting worship 24/7 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. where I led an hour-long worship set.

Topics: Outreach School of Evangelism Healing YWAM Tyler Pray Answered Prayer Hearing God's Voice Prayer ywam missions soe
2 min read

Foreign Missions On Our Doorstep

By Richard Fish on 17 Sep 2021

Afghanistan Refugees Are Poised for the Gospel of Jesus

God has brought over 70,000 Afghan refugees to our doorstep. They are dispersed in seven different locations. Possibly 10,000 new arrivals on their way. Preparing them for life in America is an arduous task. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Urban Missions YWAM DTS YWAM ywam missions afghanistan afghanistan crisis John Weaver afghanistan refugees
7 min read

We Are Scattered Like Sheep Among Wolves

By Brad Stanley on 3 Sep 2021

The Cost of Following Jesus Anywhere and Everywhere.

We shouldn't be upset when God moves us and scatters us into the world. Even if we are somewhat in our home culture, we need to remind ourselves that we are outlanders.

A lot of us feel even more disconnected because the world seems so weird now. There is so much turmoil and change. We feel uncertain.

As believers, we should be certain of who we are because as we own our identity, we transform the cultures and places where we are planted. Yet, we remain different from them.

How do we operate among the lost? How do we reach them?

Topics: Urban Missions Cities Dreams Evangelism Following Jesus Making Him Known Global Missions Nations Urbanization Missions in America city ministry spheres of influence ywam missions border crisis
2 min read

70 Days At The Border: One Missionary’s Exploits

By Tyler Tom on 27 Aug 2021

Week after week of ministry at the border

After a dozen or so trips to McAllen, TX, and crossing over to Reynosa, Mexico, several times, Aimee has witnessed firsthand the heartache and the hope of immigrants at the border. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Hope Latin America Missions USA unreached people groups human trafficking border mexico border crisis humanitarian humanitarian aid Hope at the Border ywam south texas
4 min read

Anguish in Afghanistan

By Richard Fish on 20 Aug 2021

Now What's in Store for Missions in Afghanistan?

In critical times of persecution and seeing those we love die because of their faith we can be at peace knowing Jesus is Lord over Afghanistan. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Urban Missions Obedience Gospel Global Missions Hope YWAM Faith Urbanization afghanistan war suffering afghanistan crisis
4 min read

Time to Get Your Kids Porn-Free

By Tyler Tom on 13 Aug 2021

WARNING SIGNS: Are your kids looking at Porn?

Having a hard time figuring out how to have a conversation with your child about sex, pornography, and sexual purity? We want to encourage you… just do it. Start right now!

If you feel like you missed your opportunity, it's never too late. It might be more serious than you think and you are your child's gatekeeper.

Topics: Family Families in Missions Freedom Family DTS Kids in Missions Family Missions Teenagers Children in Missions Family Discipleship family sync discipleship porn sexual sin sex pornography
4 min read

Don't Let Fear Hold You Back

By Seth Dale on 6 Aug 2021

God Can Use Someone Just Like You!

Have you ever felt like the room is closing in on you? Have you ever been sitting in a class on introduction day, sweating at the thought of having to speak? Ridiculous, right?

Topics: YWAM Tyler Doubt YWAM DTS Value Identity Overcoming Fear Encounter God Anxiety Overcoming Anxiety No Fear Get to Know God fear singing ywam missions DTS
2 min read

Let's Talk About Worship, Discipleship, and Missions.

By Richard Fish on 30 Jul 2021


I saw this guy rocking the guitar, singing his guts out to the Lord, and inspiring the audience to join him in his rapturous worship, and I knew I liked this guy. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Purpose YWAM DTS Worship Missionary Discipleship Opportunities World Changer Deeper with God support discipleship ywam missions DTS Worship DTS
3 min read

Hope Remains Strong

By Mary Brock on 9 Jul 2021

Hope is alive and well at the US / MX Border

Every one of our staff who has gone to the Border has heard and seen difficult things. Cartels kidnapped a married couple with a young son and held them captive for eight days without food or water.

"To better the future we must disturb the present." - Catherine Booth

Topics: YWAM Tyler Rescue Hope human trafficking border border crisis humanitarian humanitarian aid Hope at the Border ywam south texas
2 min read

Valuing Students through Christian Education

By Tyler Tom on 2 Jul 2021

Discipling  students through Education

The future leadership of our communities, churches, businesses, and families is developing in our current children and teens. Their success is highly dependent on how they are educated. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Teaching Missionary Life Nations YWAM Education Teacher Appreciation Christian Heritage School Family Discipleship discipleship principal approach CHS christian education
5 min read

My Journey to Know Jesus at YWAM

By Tyler Tom on 25 Jun 2021

Finding Jesus Changed My Life Forever

It was about 24 years ago, when I saw this sign for the first time at the base entrance.

I was a broken, pregnant teen from New York who found myself in Texas in a maternity home my aunt found that was part of some "weird Christian thing" called YWAM.

Little did I know that this place would become home for me.

Topics: Healing YWAM Tyler Purpose Knowing God Life-Changing YWAM DTS Value Identity Journey Freedom YWAM Faith Inspiration Get to Know God Redeem SST Transformation Overcoming discipleship sex trafficking human trafficking trafficking DTS
6 min read

Rescue The Perishing | YWAM Houston (cont)

By Tyler Tom on 18 Jun 2021

Breaking The Cycle of Prostitution And Trafficking

"My mom pimped me out when I was about 6 years old." - Street girl. 

"Wow, we got an education on the streets of Houston! The school of hard knocks." - Kim Dale, who with her husband Martin, direct Youth With A Mission Houston. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Rescue YWAM Urbanization Missions in America YWAM Houston sex trafficking human trafficking Montrose prostitute
3 min read

A Glimpse of Pain - A Glimmer of Hope

By Tyler Tom on 11 Jun 2021

A Personal Perspective on the Border Crisis

We worked with a local charity yesterday at the Border.

This charity is where people go when they have passed through immigration and are waiting for family members to purchase bus or plane tickets for them. People can stay here up to three days. Often they have not eaten, showered, or even rested⏤or very little⏤for days or weeks.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Perspective human trafficking border border crisis humanitarian humanitarian aid Hope at the Border ywam south texas
4 min read

Rescuing the Perishing | YWAM Houston

By Tyler Tom on 4 Jun 2021

The Battle over homelessness, broken families, and injustice in Urban America.

"Oh my gosh, THESE are the prostitutes! I didn't even recognize them!" 

"I had this revelation one day as I was listening to the kids at our Street Church share their stories. I thought they looked somewhat typical. Just young people running around with backpacks on their backs, except most of them were homeless. We'd see drag queens standing on the street corners in stilettos and short skirts, but the street kids sure didn't fit the stereotype of a prostitute." - Kim Dale

Topics: Urban Missions Rescue Following Jesus YWAM DTS Missionary Hope No Fear Urbanization Missions in America city ministry YWAM Houston sex trafficking human trafficking mercy Montrose street church Houston Texas
4 min read

3 Reasons The Border Crisis Should Matter to You.

By Kyra Wright on 21 May 2021

Reasons the Border Crisis Should Matter to All of Us!

After several treks down to the US/MX border, Kyra's first hand stories and experiences are hard to ignore. It's time to focus on the real issues and ask God to show us how to engage. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Hope sex trafficking ywam missions human trafficking trafficking border border crisis humanitarian humanitarian aid Hope at the Border
5 min read

How I Became a YWAM Missionary

By Anthony Huerta on 7 May 2021

Become a Missionary at Youth With A Mission

It was a huge shock to everyone around me when I decided to become a missionary in 2016. Having come out of 6 years of deep addiction before entering 3 rehabs, I was the last person you’d expect to see joining Youth With A Mission, Tyler.

I was totally living for myself. I thought I was the center of the universe back in May of 2015 before I entered my last rehab. I finally came to a point of surrender about four weeks into that program, when I felt God’s love for me for the first time. It was game-over after that! I was hooked.

Prior to that encounter, I was so consumed with myself I did not ever really love, or allow myself to be loved. Everyone and everything around me was a resource to get whatever I was looking to gain in the moment.

My self-absorbed life stifled love from every crevice and corner of my life.

[Photo: I know right? A mug shot. That's how bad my life had spun out of control.]

However, there was a moment which changed everything for me. A true encounter with God can accomplish what one hundred counseling sessions could not. Something changed when I allowed myself to be stripped before God. No mask, no presuppositions, just a real, vulnerable openness to Jesus as my Savior.

[Photo: Graduating from Shiloh Ministries after 1 year of rehab.]

After I graduated from Shiloh, I joined my first Discipleship Training School at YWAM Tyler. Youth With A Mission understands knowing God is paramount. Understanding I am His child is vital. Everything else hinges on this realization.

I believe, “you don’t really know yourself until you know Jesus.” Through my discipleship experience, I finally understood, “in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) is a remarkably freeing statement.

While I was still self-centered, caring for no one, stealing, and lying–Jesus died for me! I love Jesus now and do my best to genuinely love the people around me, but Jesus died for the version of me who cared neither for myself, or the people around me.

Whether I am still roaming the streets with a pint of vodka in my belt strap, or I am preaching in front of thousands, Jesus’s love for me is the same! It never changes.

Knowing God, really knowing Him is what life is all about. “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and the one whom you have sent.” (John 17:3) Each time I read this verse it chips away at the block of religion that has crusted up around me through years of never actually encountering and pursuing God for myself.

To know God, and to make Him known. This is the motto of Youth With A Mission. I love the simplicity of this, because when you boil it all down, it is what life is really all about.

[Photo: Making God known took me to Greece with my Evangelism Training School.]

Now do we just spend our time alone in a room, with a Bible and a cup of coffee? Heavens no! James says, “Show me your faith apart from your works, and I’ll show you my faith by my works.” (James 2:18). Such a confident statement that my personality appreciates!

I love being active, pursuing, and creating alongside God for His name’s sake. Prior to coming to YWAM Tyler, I thought all missionaries were old, white, married couples. I thought a missionary wife wore a bonnet (no slight to bonnet wearers!) and the husband had spent years in seminary and pastoral training. The thought of becoming a missionary wasn’t in the solar system of my thought process, but boy did that change after coming to YWAM Tyler.

My understanding of being a missionary changed when I ran into a former X-Games athlete, met men and women who had struggled with addiction, eating disorders, vanity, homosexuality, been through a divorce, and the list could go on. These people were seasoned missionaries who had been around the world several times over, impacting lives every step of the way, yet had a life transformation with Jesus!

This was me too! I was just like these people!? “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” (1 Corinthians 1:27) 

[Photo: Making God known took me to Korea with my Discipleship Training School.]

Out of an overflow of intimacy with a living God our life begins to move. A true faith—a living faith—has the natural outworking of good works. To Know God and Make Him Known. This really sums up how I became a missionary.

If you are ready to take the next step in your personal life of Knowing God and Making Him known, today is the day to sign up for the next training school at YWAM Tyler. We are here and ready to help you discover God's purpose for your life.


Learn More


Other blogs by Anthony:

The War on Inaction has Begun | The SEND

This is My Missionary Life

Alcoholism did not have the Last Word

Topics: Training School School of Evangelism YWAM Tyler Missions YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach Missionary Missionary Life YWAM Missionary Training ywam missions DTS
5 min read

18 Thousand Kids in Cages

By Richard Fish on 30 Apr 2021

Bringing Hope to Thousands at the Southern Border

OMGosh! Are you kidding me?! After our outreach team returned from 5 long eye-opening days on the border of the US and Mexico, I heard the stories with fresh ears. Now, I'm almost crazy upset and asking, "GOD, what can we do?"

Topics: YWAM Tyler YWAM human trafficking border border crisis humanitarian humanitarian aid Hope at the Border
2 min read

A Desperate Journey for a Better Life

By Richard Fish on 9 Apr 2021

What is Really Happening at the Border?

There's only one way to get to the truth of what's happening. Go and see for yourself. Join our missionary friend, Matthew, in this raw footage taken at the southern border of the US, and discover what most of America doesn't know. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler YWAM Outreach human trafficking border border crisis humanitarian humanitarian aid
2 min read

Masses Displaced Without Hope

By Richard Fish on 30 Mar 2021

Thousands of desperate people stranded at the U.S/Mexico border.

We could hardly take in what we were seeing. Fear and turmoil seemed to permeate the atmosphere when our YWAM Tyler team arrived in McAllen, Texas. We saw masses of displaced people without hope, searching for a future. 

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler YWAM Outreach YWAM human trafficking border mexico border crisis humanitarian humanitarian aid
2 min read

How God Changed Our Family

By Anthony Padgett on 26 Mar 2021

Family Discipleship and missions changed our Lives

Our family has always wanted to serve the Lord in radical ways, and we have been involved in many different kinds of ministry⏤including short-term missions.

We felt the Lord pulling on our hearts to do something different with our lives. We visited my daughter who serves as a missionary with YWAM in Idaho. Her Discipleship Training School was the start of her journey in missions.

We wondered, “God, could we do something like this as a family?”

Topics: Family YWAM Tyler Family Adventure Family Adventures Families in Missions Family DTS Family Missions Family Discipleship family sync
2 min read

Discipleship Training School | The Day My Life Began

By Tyler Tom on 19 Mar 2021

A YWAM DTS Brings Life Transformation

This picture was taken on the first day of my DTS five months ago. This was the day my life truly began.

4 min read

Missionary Marriages Making an Impact

By Crystal Freeman on 12 Mar 2021

Our Marriages Matter to God and Others. 

We recently had the opportunity to publicly encourage the missionary marriages on our campus. Why? You may ask… why do missionaries need to be encouraged in their marriages?

Topics: Family YWAM Tyler Family Adventure Family DTS YWAM Family Missions Marriage Family Discipleship
4 min read

A Family Who Said Yes to Missions

By Meg McClung on 5 Mar 2021

Committing Our Family to Following Jesus

My pathway into missions started at the age of 14 when I moved to Budapest, Hungary with my parents so they could fulfill their dream of overseas ministry.  

Topics: Family YWAM Tyler Family Adventure YWAM DTS Family Adventures Families in Missions Family DTS YWAM Family Missions Family Discipleship family sync
2 min read

Mercy and Compassion Warms the Heart

By Tyler Tom on 26 Feb 2021

 Texas Winter Storm Puts Missions to Action

After a week of freezing temperatures and, in some cases, no heat in homes for days, Mercy Works, our compassionate ministries department at YWAM Tyler stepped into action.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Mercy Works Serving YWAM Outreach YWAM snow compassions east texas texas mercy food bank snow storm winter storm
4 min read


By Mary Brock on 12 Feb 2021

Adventure Sports Saving Trafficked Women

Young people from all over the world flock here to YWAM Tyler for discipleship and to discover their God-given passions. Our friend, Matthew Nocas, was one of those youths. Riding a specially modified adventure motorcycle, he brings awareness to human trafficking and finding unreached people groups across the globe.

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler YWAM Outreach Adventure YWAM sex trafficking motovision ywam missions unreached unreached people groups Joshua Project human trafficking trafficking
6 min read

Jesus Set Me Free From Porn!

By Eric Melvin on 5 Feb 2021

First Steps to Breaking a Porn Addiction

I am sharing my story to encourage others who may be entangled in this web of deception. There is hope and a sure path to freedom. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler YWAM DTS Freedom Family DTS Missionary Training ywam nola Overcoming porn sexual sin
2 min read

What are you doing? You can't sing!

By Tracy Sandiford on 29 Jan 2021

What are you doing? You can’t sing!

In South Africa, as a child I loved to sing and I didn’t care who heard me. 

Unfortunately, this didn’t last long because once I reached high school I was ridiculed for singing.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Worship Missionary Overcoming Fear YWAM Overcoming lables singing
2 min read

Worm Tea is the Ag-Tech Miracle Drink

By Richard Fish on 22 Jan 2021

Worm Tea is the Ag-Tech Miracle Drink

When Jean-Claude asked me if I wanted a little, "Worm Tea" for a drink, I had no idea what he was talking about. Of course his thick French-Congo accent didn't help, but I was pretty sure he said, "Worm Tea!"

Topics: YWAM Tyler YWAM DTS Missionary Training Agriculture pandemic covid-19 agtech vermiculture worm tea aquaponics compost urban gardening greenhouse
4 min read

What I didn't realize about the sex industry in the USA

By Richard Fish on 15 Jan 2021


A YWAM outreach definitely opens your eyes to what's happening in the world around you. We love taking students on two month outreaches as part of their Discipleship Training School. It's in moments on busy downtown streets, a remote dusty village, on a crowded college campus, where God shows his love for the world. 

I was texting with a student on who is currently on outreach and decided to blog our conversation here for you to read. When God opens our eyes, there's just no going back. 

Topics: Outreach YWAM DTS Serving YWAM Outreach Prayer YWAM Houston USA spheres of influence sex trafficking
3 min read

Sharing the GOSPEL isn't complicated

By Kyra Wright on 8 Jan 2021


"I don’t know the first thing about talking to people⏤much less to someone who believes differently than me," I thought to myself.

My mind was racing as we stepped out into the neighborhood for the first time to talk to Muslims about Jesus. My first thoughts were, “What will I say? What if I don’t know the answer?

Topics: Outreach School of Evangelism Evangelism YWAM Outreach Gospel Global Missions city ministry pandemic muslim
6 min read

What am I going to do with my life?

By Richard Fish on 11 Dec 2020

What am i going to do with my life?

I put in my earbuds and tuned into the podcast I usually engage with on Monday mornings. Little did I know, I was about to uncover the reason for the battleground surrounding my destiny. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Purpose Life-Changing YWAM DTS Missionary Life YWAM life Sigmund Freud Viktor Frankl
2 min read

7 Seconds of Courage

By Noah Seguin on 27 Nov 2020


“I can’t do it,” is what I would tell myself every time I thought about talking with a stranger about Jesus. “What will they think of me?” I stressed. I was so consumed with fear, I didn't recognize what God wanted to do through me.

5 min read

Overcoming Loneliness

By Tyler Tom on 20 Nov 2020


With the current state of our world, it is becoming more common to feel lonely and isolated. In fact, in 2019, three in five or 61% of Americans expressed feeling lonely and this was before the 2020 global pandemic. I would have been apart of this 61%.

Loneliness was a huge struggle of mine for years, and only recently did I finally overcome the heaviness and lies of loneliness.

Topics: YWAM DTS Communication Overcoming Fear Freedom Loneliness fear friends devotion
4 min read

A Pilgrim Story Americans Can’t Afford To Forget

By Chris Lascelles on 18 Nov 2020


Will you be streaming this historical event with us? 

This November marks the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims crossing the Atlantic and signing the historic Mayflower Compact.

We are hosting this historic celebration in Plymouth Massachusetts, November 21, 2pm EST. <<Sign up today to watch>>

Topics: Freedom Missions in America America USA 2020 Vision plymouth founding fathers pilgrim liberty mayflower compact government
4 min read

Is A Gap Year Worth Taking?

By Paige Prescott on 13 Nov 2020

Is A Gap Year Worth Taking

5 a.m. on the dot, an eager anticipation for adventure abruptly woke me from my deep sleep. I vividly recall a joyous light-weight atmosphere all around a group of children and myself while we danced to piano keys and a foreign upbeat song. It must've been an African tribe I was standing in the midst of, with nothing but love in my heart for them.

At this time, I never would've imagine this dream would determine and direct the next 3 years of my life.

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler Gap Year YWAM DTS Travel Missionary Training gap semester
5 min read

One Chapel - Thousands Of Prayers

By Tyler Tom on 6 Nov 2020

One Chapel - Thousands Of Prayers

"It's hotter than a firecracker in here!" exclaimed Leland Paris, as he stepped into the 12' by 15' foot well house we called our prayer room.

As YWAM Tyler's base leader, he knew we desperately needed a new building to become our "House of Prayer." It was 1998 when volunteers from all over America gathered together to transform this tiny, hot, well house into a place for large groups to gather. Little did we know that soon we would have A/C, heat and bathrooms!"

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Missionary Encounter God YWAM Answered Prayer Miracle Faith Holy Ground Prayer Chapel Holy Spirit Missions in America ywam tyler staff
3 min read

Is God Sounding an Alarm in 2020?

By Tyler Tom on 30 Oct 2020


I have never experienced a true fire alarm, only fire drills. While dining in a restaurant, the alarm unexpectedly blared. Everyone shot to their feet. The manager came and assured everyone it was a false alarm.

3 min read

What My Mom Thinks of Me Being A Missionary

By Tyler Tom on 23 Oct 2020


Ever wonder what your parents might say if you decide to become a missionary? Aimee interviewed her mom about her  experience, and you might just find some encouragement to overcome your fear of stepping into what God's calling you to do. 

Topics: Training School Family Family Adventure Direction Obedience Knowing God Life-Changing YWAM DTS Calling Missionary Missionary Life Overcoming Fear Spiritual Growth Encounter God YWAM Education No Fear Following God Children in Missions FOMO ywam tyler staff fear
3 min read

One Dream God Didn't Let Me Forget

By Allison Bice on 16 Oct 2020


In 2013, I attended a Season of Service and Training (SST), a summer camp for teens at YWAM Tyler. One afternoon, we teamed up with multiple staff members to help with their different roles on the campus.

Some of us helped in the kitchen, some in the Ag-Tech training area and some of us in the Hospitality department. 😳

Topics: Training School YWAM Tyler Missions Direction Obedience YWAM DTS Missionary Missionary Life Hearing God's Voice Redirection Missionary Training Teenagers SST plans ywam staff
5 min read

How Do I Fundraise?

By Tyler Tom on 9 Oct 2020


Missions—it sounds wild, crazy and just what you’ve always wanted, but you scroll down to where it says “fees” and you stop. Maybe God has something else for you. You know, a cheaper option or a well-paying, safe option. 

Topics: Fundraising Trust God Trust YWAM DTS Finances Money support giving
2 min read

Reaching the Nations in Your Own Backyard

By Jordon Lippiatt on 2 Oct 2020

Reaching the Nations in Your Own BackYard

As believers, we understand that part of the commission given to us by Jesus is to go into all nations. With the times we are living in today, it’s not always possible to do what's on our hearts in following Jesus' command.

Topics: Outreach School of Evangelism Urban Missions YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach Missionary Missionary Life Missionary Training Urban DTS Urbanization Missions in America ywam chicago chicago
5 min read

Let's Go Fishin' | Lessons from Staff Kick Off

By Tyler Tom on 25 Sep 2020


Have you ever thought about fishing for people? Yeah, me neither⎼until I met Jesus. He asks each of us to step away from our mundane lives, follow him and fish for men. But what does this mean or look like exactly?

3 min read

I Got Dunked ... You Should Too!

By Tyler Tom on 18 Sep 2020


For Christians, the most important day of our life is the day we surrender to the Lord. Wouldn't you agree? We are made for life and unity with Christ. Aside from this day, our baptism is also very important and life transforming. 

Whether the decision is made in the moment or stirred up in our hearts over time, the day we get baptized is never forgotten and is cherished.

This is that day for Faith Rogers!

Topics: Relationship with God Following Jesus Identity Freedom Peace Following God Make Disciples Get to Know God Salvation Deeper with God christian baptism surrender
2 min read

Faithful In Every Season

By Ben Valkema on 11 Sep 2020


Are you fighting fear? Are you doubting whether or not God still hears your prayers? Do you feel the weight of not knowing what to do or how to move forward in your life?

We all face wondering like this from time to time.  After all, we are human.

4 min read

I was Drowning in Depression

By Mia Buckley on 28 Aug 2020

Depression doesn't have to control your life.

Before I knew God, I drowned in dark depression, deceit, and lived in fear. Sin and suicidal thoughts controlled me, and I had no escape. I struggled to find so many things: purpose, love, peace, joy, zeal for life, and much more.

Meeting the Lord of all creation brought me out of the trap I was ensnared in and gave me life abundant. Not life without struggles, but life with hope.

Topics: Missions Relationship with God Trust God Knowing God YWAM DTS Missionary Life Encounter God Get to Know God Missionary Training Dependence on God Deeper with God
4 min read

When Life Doesn't Go As Planned

By Jordon Lippiatt on 21 Aug 2020


2020 has been a year none of us expected. I wish I could just blame the pandemic for wrecking my plans, but I'm learning a bigger lesson when my life plans get sideways.

On my journey over the last year and half, there have been many times I had to continuously remind myself of the goodness of God in spite of my circumstances.

Topics: Training School YWAM Tyler Purpose Growth Trust God Trust Direction Obedience YWAM DTS Calling Missionary Life Perspective Anxiety Redirection Dependence on God Deeper with God Overcoming covid-19 plans life
2 min read

Giving Back to our Community

By Richard Fish on 24 Jul 2020


Sitting on 300 acres of grass may seem pretty profitable if you're into selling hay. We had sold it before, but when the pandemic hit we knew God wanted us to do something to bless others rather than ourselves. 

Chris Lascelles pitched the idea of giving away all of the hay from our campus, and of course we said, LET'S DO IT!

Topics: YWAM Tyler Fundraising Living in Community YWAM Outreach Community Blessing Outdoor pandemic coronavirus support covid-19 hay giving
3 min read

Standing in His Presence

By Zach Golding on 10 Jul 2020

Standing In His Presence

How do you stay in the presence of God in a chaotic world?

Topics: Faith Peace God's Presence chaos
2 min read

Covid-19 Upgraded My Prayer Life

By Rachel Allen on 3 Jul 2020


For the longest time, I prayed to Jesus. Now I use a different approach, and it's even better. I've found I can pray with him.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Pray YWAM Prayer covid-19
4 min read

5 Ways I Paid For My DTS

By Kayla Norris on 26 Jun 2020

5 Ways I Paid for My YWAM DTS

Missions—it sounds wild, crazy, and just what you’ve always wanted. But you scroll down to where it says “fees”—and you stop. Maybe God has something else for you. You know, a cheaper option. Or a well-paying, safe option. 

But do you want to miss out on your miracle?

Topics: Provision YWAM Tyler Fundraising YWAM DTS YWAM Finances Money provide support
3 min read

Am I Really Hearing God?

By Nathaniel Bridgeman on 19 Jun 2020


In late November of 2019, my Dad and I stayed at a hotel in Shreveport, Louisiana. As we arrived to check-in, I noticed a man with crutches sitting on a couch in the lobby. As we approached the front desk, I heard a voice in my mind say, Go and pray for his knee.

Topics: YWAM Core Values Outreach YWAM Tyler YWAM Outreach YWAM Hearing God's Voice
4 min read

God Said Go, I said No

By Eric Melvin on 12 Jun 2020

God said "Go", I said "No" 

What if God asked you to go? To leave everything⎼your house, job, friends and family to follow him into the unknown? What would you say? Well, I can tell you what I said, "NO!"

Topics: Family Family Adventure Family Adventures Families in Missions Family DTS Family Missions Faith Family Discipleship
2 min read

Life After My Discipleship Training School

By Sarah Tucker on 5 Jun 2020


After my Discipleship Training School (DTS) ended last spring, going home was difficult. It was hard to go from seeing friends everyday, worshipping and living in community to only seeing my immediate family.

Topics: Missions YWAM DTS Missionary Life Discipleship Opportunities Global Missions Hope Make Disciples Missions in America city ministry
1 min read

Peace In The Chaos

By Emily Ankrom on 2 Jun 2020


Living in a world that seems to be falling apart can be scary. Sicknesses are taking lives, families are separating, friendships are ending, and people are losing their jobs. There are many things that make it seem like we are in world-wide upheaval.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missionary Life Hope Faith Peace God's Love
5 min read

Plans Have Suddenly Changed

By Neil Greb on 29 May 2020

Plans Have Suddenly Changed, But Don’t Panic

My family and I were happy about our next missions adventure.  We had an incredible experience in Brazil, several months earlier, as part of our YWAM Tyler training school outreach.  Now we were preparing for ministry in Turkey and Spain.  Little did we know a viral storm was brewing that would very suddenly, change our plans.

Enter the COVID-19 crisis.

Topics: Family Family Adventure Change Life-Changing Family Adventures Families in Missions Family DTS Family Missions Missionary Training Family Discipleship
2 min read

20/20 Vision for America | An Interview with Author Chris Lascelles

By Richard Fish on 18 May 2020


I caught YWAM Tyler's campus director, Chris Lascelles, just before he jumped on a tractor to haul hay to give to hurting farmers here in East Texas.

Once I read Chris's book, 20/20 Vision for America, I knew an interview was a must. I'd heard Chris talk about his purpose in writing this epic history lesson, but I did not expect to be drawn into it so deeply. An incredible message of hope for America is woven through it like a tapestry. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler YWAM Missions in America America Vision USA 2020 Vision
4 min read

Everything You Need to Know about The Family Discipleship School

By Richard Fish on 8 May 2020


What if you could spend the best years with your children discovering God's purpose for your family? If you could do something amazing with your entire family, and you knew you couldn't fail, what would you try?

Taking a step toward a family discipleship program is not only possible, it could be the best decision for your family's destiny.

Topics: Training School Family YWAM Tyler Fundraising Family Adventure Change Living in Community Life-Changing YWAM DTS Family Adventures Families in Missions Missionary Journey Community Family DTS YWAM Kids in Missions Family Missions Family Discipleship family sync
2 min read

From Acorn to Oak Tree | Missionary Life

By Madelyn Johnson on 25 Apr 2020


Last year Jesus gave me a vision. In it I was in a packed van, full of friend's voices when I suddenly heard no more noise, and saw nothing but a wide-open field.

In the middle stood an oak tree that was magnificent, massive, strong! I felt total peace and I knew that this was a vision from God. I asked again and again what it meant, It took an entire year for Him to tell me. 

Topics: Missions Purpose Trust Hope YWAM Faith Missionary Training Overcoming
5 min read

Suicide Was Knocking On My Door

By Zach Golding on 20 Apr 2020


This was a bad idea. Clutching a $20 bill in my hand as the answer to the pain I was in didn't give me any peace. I didn't want to be in this place. As a kid I didn't dream about committing suicide, but now I was quickly losing the urge to live. I needed out! I needed a change! In the darkest time of my life God reached out to me, and saved me from the demons tormenting my mind.

This is my story...

It all began when I was tossed into middle school. My older brother wasn't around like he had been during homeschool. Now, I had to make new friends. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Purpose YWAM DTS Identity Insecurity Depression Freedom Hope YWAM Faith Get to Know God Loneliness Transformation suicide Overcoming
2 min read

I Said Yes To God But Never Imagined This

By Areli Brandenburg on 16 Apr 2020


When I first came into missions, I thought I might end up working with the people who lived in garbage dumps in the Philippines, thousands of miles from my home.

When I said yes to God, that’s what I thought He would have me do.

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler Missions YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach Missionary Missionary Life YWAM Missionary Training Missions in America
2 min read

Ministry to a World on Lockdown

By Tyler Tom on 9 Apr 2020


There is a global prayer movement afoot. God's people are interacting with each other like never before as they share needs, concerns, and victories.

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler Missions Mercy Works YWAM Outreach Missionary Missionary Life YWAM pandemic coronavirus
2 min read

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Go to College Immediately.

By Sophia Braymen on 7 Apr 2020


Graduate valedictorian, go to an Ivy League school, enter a respectable profession, get rich - that’s what I decided my life’s purpose was when I was in high school. The only reason I wanted to do missionary work before college was so that I could have a stronger résumé. Good thing God can take our impure motives and bring something good out of them.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Purpose Growth Dreams Direction Gap Year YWAM DTS Calling Destiny Travel Deeper with God college gap semester high school
2 min read

Life's Ups and Downs Don't Define Me

By Siovhan Melvin on 5 Apr 2020


I find myself praising God when life is going good. I can say in the morning (good times) you, God, are good. In those times, it’s easy to thank God for what you have. You run to God, you tell others about God, and you kind of feel invincible. Life’s going great. Am I right?

Topics: YWAM Tyler Change Knowing God Life-Changing Missionary Life YWAM Deeper with God
3 min read

Hey Siri! Should I Panic?

By Amy Greb on 2 Apr 2020

Hey Siri! Should I Panic?

In the early days of GPS, there are at least a handful of stories of some poor souls who opted to trust their Global Positioning System over what their eyes and senses were telling them. Most of the stories have decently happy endings (meaning no serious injuries).

Topics: YWAM Tyler Trust God YWAM Family Missions Faith pandemic coronavirus siri panic
9 min read

Urban Missions in the Midst of Social Restrictions

By Tyler Tom on 27 Mar 2020


How is it even possible to be missional in spite of the restrictions we are facing? Though the physical reach of our activity is blocked, and for good reason, our passion to share the love of Jesus with the nations hasn't diminished at all. 

Our urban centers around the country have been seeking creative expressions of how to minister. We are so encouraged by their stories and are praying for more! 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Urban Missions YWAM Urban DTS Urbanization YWAM Dallas YWAM West Virginia ywam chicago ywam nola YWAM Houston
1 min read

Our Response to COVID-19

By Tyler Tom on 20 Mar 2020


Youth With A Mission Tyler TX is monitoring developments of the global Coronavirus outbreak, and is working with our own trained medical staff, as well as, local health professionals to respond.

6 min read

Leftist Punk Becomes Missionary

By Tyler Tom on 28 Feb 2020


was a member of the radical underground. While few Americans remember the tumultuous 60s era in our history, I was right in the middle of it. The hippie movement was at its height, and I fit right in doing drugs and participating in protests and demonstrations in Washington D.C. and elsewhere during the Vietnam War.

Topics: Urban Missions Missionary Missionary Life Family Missions Urban DTS Urbanization Transformation nola new orleans city ministry
2 min read

A Gap Year Just Right For You!

By Richard Fish on 21 Feb 2020

Is a Gap Year Right for You?

Need some help discovering if taking a Gap Year is the right thing for you? In this blog, we tackle a few key issues to help you make this decision with confidence.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Gap Year Adventure Travel YWAM College Ministry college gap semester
7 min read

Walking Barefoot | THE SEND BRAZIL

By Tyler Tom on 14 Feb 2020


The rain couldn't stop 140,000 barefoot Brazilians from saying, "I WILL GO!" last weekend at THE SEND gathering...lifting their shoes up as a symbol of surrender to Jesus. We were there. We saw it first hand⎼a move of God calling people with sweet conviction to walk closer, draw nearer, and go further. It was received with reckless enthusiasm. 

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler YWAM Outreach Nations YWAM brazil awaken the send mobilization
2 min read

Find Your Life Purpose in a YWAM DTS

By Dillon Thompson on 31 Jan 2020


It's crazy how God can change things in your life so fast. This time last year I was doing nothing but wasting my life. Now, I’m living with a purpose and get to have new exciting experiences with God everyday. Setting an example and manifesting God's image in all the things I do brings me great joy.

Topics: Outreach Purpose Life-Changing YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach Missionary
9 min read

2020 is the Year of the Bible

By Richard Fish on 17 Jan 2020

2020 is the Year of the Bible

My heart was deeply moved the first time I heard there was a detailed plan and strategy for every person on the planet to have a Bible in their language.

What would it take to get the most important book of all time, into the hands of all people? In every dialect? Talk about a big, hairy, gutsy goal! Well, I'm learning we are living in an unprecedented time in history where that very goal is about to happen.

Topics: Bible Prayer Strategic Frontiers bible translation heart language trauma end bible poverty bible poverty ethnoart arts Wycliffe
2 min read

Creating a Home Away From Home | Family DTS

By Tyler Tom on 10 Jan 2020

Josh Barnes and his wife Faraday came to YWAM Tyler, Texas, for the Family DTS. They came with five kids in tow: three boys⎼12, 11, and 9 and two girls⎼7 and 4. Living in community, diving into their relationship with Jesus, and growing stronger as a family was just the beginning of their experience.

Topics: Outreach Family Family Adventure Home Family Adventures YWAM Outreach Families in Missions Family DTS Family Missions
2 min read

Prayer in a Convenience Store Changed Everything

By Tyler Tom on 13 Dec 2019

"I walked down to the local convenience store to buy a Coke when I noticed a man who looked like he was in pain. He said his shoulder was hurting, so I offered to pray for him.

Topics: Healing YWAM Tyler Missionary Life YWAM Prayer YWAM West Virginia
2 min read

My Take Away from the FAMILY DTS

By Tyler Tom on 20 Nov 2019

It's surreal, this thing called YWAM!

We just finished pioneering the first Family DTS here at YWAM Tyler. It had its challenges, but when you get 22 parents and 43 children together, God's stirring something amazing up! 12 families graduated, and are being sent out into the world forever changed for the better! Some sold their homes, gave up jobs, and said goodbye to friends, not knowing what was to come in DTS.

Topics: Family Family Adventure Family DTS Family Missions
6 min read

I Was Made For Missions

By Faith Bloom on 14 Nov 2019

It was my freshman year of highschool, and I remember sitting in Bio 1, sick to my stomach and trying not to let the tears in my eyes escape. Two days earlier I had come back from a mission trip to the Dominican Republic. After making friends with ladies who raised six kids in a one room shack and playing with schoolgirls who walked five miles a day just to get an education, I was in intense disgust at the upper middle class American reality I had ungracefully reentered.

I didn’t know back then about culture shock or whiplash. I did know, however, that the short two weeks in that colorful, impoverished nation had touched my heart in a way that made snowy Pennsylvania with its Ugg Boot-wearing residents seem like the least satisfying place in the world.

3 min read

YWAM Tyler Department Switch

By Tyler Tom on 26 Oct 2019

We thought it would be awesome to take two very different, but vital departments on our campus and switch them for day. You know there are always two sides to every story. Well, this is no different!

Topics: YWAM Tyler Serving YWAM grounds ywam tyler staff hospitality
5 min read

How I Became a YWAM Missionary

By Anthony Huerta on 18 Oct 2019

Become a Missionary at Youth With A Mission

It was a huge shock to everyone around me when I decided to become a missionary in 2016. Having come out of 6 years of deep addiction before entering 3 rehabs, I was the last person you’d expect to see joining Youth With A Mission, Tyler.

I was totally living for myself. I thought I was the center of the universe back in May of 2015 before I entered my last rehab. I finally came to a point of surrender about four weeks into that program, when I felt God’s love for me for the first time. It was game-over after that! I was hooked.

Prior to that encounter, I was so consumed with myself I did not ever really love, or allow myself to be loved. Everyone and everything around me was a resource to get whatever I was looking to gain in the moment.

My self-absorbed life stifled love from every crevice and corner of my life.

[Photo: I know right? A mug shot. That's how bad my life had spun out of control.]

However, there was a moment which changed everything for me. A true encounter with God can accomplish what one hundred counseling sessions could not. Something changed when I allowed myself to be stripped before God. No mask, no presuppositions, just a real, vulnerable openness to Jesus as my Savior.

[Photo: Graduating from Shiloh Ministries after 1 year of rehab.]

After I graduated from Shiloh, I joined my first Discipleship Training School at YWAM Tyler. Youth With A Mission understands knowing God is paramount. Understanding I am His child is vital. Everything else hinges on this realization.

I believe, “you don’t really know yourself until you know Jesus.” Through my discipleship experience, I finally understood, “in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) is a remarkably freeing statement.

While I was still self-centered, caring for no one, stealing, and lying–Jesus died for me! I love Jesus now and do my best to genuinely love the people around me, but Jesus died for the version of me who cared neither for myself, or the people around me.

Whether I am still roaming the streets with a pint of vodka in my belt strap, or I am preaching in front of thousands, Jesus’s love for me is the same! It never changes.

Knowing God, really knowing Him is what life is all about. “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and the one whom you have sent.” (John 17:3) Each time I read this verse it chips away at the block of religion that has crusted up around me through years of never actually encountering and pursuing God for myself.

To know God, and to make Him known. This is the motto of Youth With A Mission. I love the simplicity of this, because when you boil it all down, it is what life is really all about.

[Photo: Making God known took me to Greece with my Evangelism Training School.]

Now do we just spend our time alone in a room, with a Bible and a cup of coffee? Heavens no! James says, “Show me your faith apart from your works, and I’ll show you my faith by my works.” (James 2:18). Such a confident statement that my personality appreciates!

I love being active, pursuing, and creating alongside God for His name’s sake. Prior to coming to YWAM Tyler, I thought all missionaries were old, white, married couples. I thought a missionary wife wore a bonnet (no slight to bonnet wearers!) and the husband had spent years in seminary and pastoral training. The thought of becoming a missionary wasn’t in the solar system of my thought process, but boy did that change after coming to YWAM Tyler.

My understanding of being a missionary changed when I ran into a former X-Games athlete, met men and women who had struggled with addiction, eating disorders, vanity, homosexuality, been through a divorce, and the list could go on. These people were seasoned missionaries who had been around the world several times over, impacting lives every step of the way, yet had a life transformation with Jesus!

This was me too! I was just like these people!? “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” (1 Corinthians 1:27) 

[Photo: Making God known took me to Korea with my Discipleship Training School.]

Out of an overflow of intimacy with a living God our life begins to move. A true faith—a living faith—has the natural outworking of good works. To Know God and Make Him Known. This really sums up how I became a missionary.

If you are ready to take the next step in your personal life of Knowing God and Making Him known, today is the day to sign up for the next training school at YWAM Tyler. We are here and ready to help you discover God's purpose for your life.


Learn More


Other blogs by Anthony:

The War on Inaction has Begun | The SEND

This is My Missionary Life

Alcoholism did not have the Last Word

Topics: Training School School of Evangelism YWAM Tyler Missions YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach Missionary Missionary Life YWAM Missionary Training ywam missions DTS
4 min read

Making Memories with God through Worship

By Josh Langer on 9 Oct 2019

Did you know that your nose remembers things? Our sense of smell is closely linked with memory, probably more so than any of our other senses. The smell of freshly cut grass, for example, always brings back memories of my childhood and my endeavor to become a professional soccer player.

Topics: School of Worship Worship Spiritual Growth Encounter God Perspective YWAM Peace Spiritual Father memories
2 min read

Our Urban Missions in Dallas Started with a Drug Deal

By Mary Brock on 4 Oct 2019

It was the drug dealer. He was the reason dozens of cars were lined up in the middle of the street and around the block. Every Friday afternoon his customers would leave their cars running in the improvised drive-thru to run up the rickety staircase in the back alley.

Dave Funke shook his head in disgust. He had seen the apartment where everyone went to score. All of the chaos just added to feelings he could hardly put into words. How was he ever going to make a difference in this crime-infested, impoverished community?

Topics: Urban Missions Urban DTS Urbanization YWAM Dallas Kid's Club
5 min read

My most painful memory became something beautiful!

By Tyler Tom on 20 Sep 2019

I have seen firsthand in my life how God can make beauty from ashes. I have experienced joy for mourning in a real and powerful way!

Topics: YWAM Tyler YWAM DTS Grief regret
2 min read

The Power of Corporate Worship

By Josh Langer on 11 Sep 2019

Have you ever noticed worship songs, at least the good ones, use superlatives within the lyrics like "all nations," or "You're the supreme God," or "most beautiful." It's the kind of language we usually don't use in our everyday conversations? [video 3:12]

Topics: School of Worship Worship
1 min read

I Thought I Was Losing My Daughter!

By Tyler Tom on 6 Sep 2019

The unexpected happened with a family attending our Family Discipleship Training School; what a testimony of God's faithfulness! [4:18 video]

Topics: Family Family DTS
2 min read

How to Drive Out Fear in Your Life

By Nate Evans on 28 Aug 2019

Fear can be so debilitating in our lives, but it doesn't have to be. If you're struggling with some type of fear in your life -- fear of failing, fear of deep relationships, or fear of the unknown, there is is hope. God loves you.

Watch this short message from Nate Evans [1:12 video]

Topics: School of the Bible Overcoming Fear Spiritual Growth Love No Fear Truth God's Word God's Love
2 min read

I'm Not The Same Person I Used To Be

By Tyler Tom on 23 Aug 2019

E neste fim de semana se fechou um ciclo, uma etapa da minha vida em que várias pessoas fizeram partes, muitos não estão nessa foto, mas estiveram fazendo parte de fora, sempre me apoiando e encorajando mesmo que de longe.

Topics: Missions YWAM Multicultural DTS Transformation brazil discipleship
1 min read

Multicultural Missions Program at YWAM Tyler

By Tyler Tom on 16 Aug 2019

Hi! I'm Jacqueline from Tennessee. As an American I've been asked,  "Why the Multicultural Discipleship Training School?

Topics: Multicultural DTS
2 min read

I'm 15 and I am a Missionary!

By Audrey Fish on 2 Aug 2019

Have you ever entered an event or season of life with a certain expectation and left it with the complete opposite result of that former belief? 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missionary Missionary Life YWAM Missionary Training SST World Changer Deeper with God
2 min read

God's Plan Was Better Than My Own!

By Tyler Tom on 26 Jul 2019

When you’re a little kid, someone always questions, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" There’s the popular options of firefighter, policeman, or cook, but for me it was a forensic scientist. It wasn't a popular choice amongst young people, but I always knew what I wanted to be. After graduating high school, I went to college at Sam Houston State University in the fall of 2018, full of dreams and plans for the next four years of my life.

Topics: Missions Purpose YWAM DTS Missionary Get to Know God Transformation
2 min read

What an Ice Cream Cone Taught Me About Relationships

By Tyler Tom on 19 Jul 2019

It’s been exhausting, amazing, hard, and difficult, but I am thankful for every step taken and the people I get to do this with. I am thankful for the people praying and supporting financially. I am thankful for the transformation God is doing in mine and other's lives. I am thankful for God allowing us to be a vessel for Him.

Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler YWAM Outreach Missionary Multicultural DTS God's Love MDTS
4 min read

2 Questions to Ask When Thinking About Taking a Gap Year

By Richard Fish on 10 Jul 2019

If you've been thinking of taking a semester off or even a year between high school and college or college and career, you are not alone. Taking a gap year is a hot topic, and since we've talked to students from all over the world who've chosen to do YWAM for their gap experience, we want to help you plan your gap year the right way.

Topics: Purpose Gap Year YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach YWAM Inspire FOMO
2 min read

A Spiritual Father to Many

By Seth Dale on 28 Jun 2019

There are certain people who simply make an extraordinary impact on the lives they meet. Being in their presence is like warmth on a cold day. It never grows old. These people are the ones who seem to have the perfect balance of loving you and also challenging you, encouraging you and pointing out when you need a new direction. They listen well, but they also pour joy and vision into you with the revelation of God’s love, not because they need to be heard, but because they want everyone around to discover the same wonder of who God really is. For me, this describes Ed Sinke.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Mentor Spiritual Father
5 min read

What Every Kid Needs to Know When Their Family does YWAM

By Audrey Fish on 21 Jun 2019

MOVING. I couldn’t believe it when my parents told me we were moving. My family and I were living in a beautiful, mountainous valley in North Carolina at the time. The view of the Smoky Mountains from our house was breathtaking. Relocating to Texas with my parents did not sound like a good idea to a stubborn eleven-year-old like me - especially when I heard we were going to be missionaries and live in tight quarters for a season.

Topics: Family YWAM Tyler Trust God YWAM DTS Family DTS YWAM Kids in Missions Family Missions
2 min read

God Fulfills the Desires of Our Heart!

By Tyler Tom on 13 Jun 2019

I was living in Tennessee as part of a very small church when my heart began to stir for missions. One day during Sunday school, a missionary came to our church and heard me share how I would love to do foreign missions someday. I was on fire and ready to go! 

Topics: YWAM Tyler YWAM DTS Missionary Missionary Life YWAM Missionary Training Marriage
3 min read

We Are Missionaries Doing Things We Never Dreamed Possible!

By Tyler Tom on 5 Jun 2019

Do you ever wake up and forget where you are?

This happens to me often, particularly when I find myself doing crazy things, things I never thought I would have the time, finances, or abilities to do. I'll think, “What am I doing here?” “How did I get here...ME...here doing this right now?!?”

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach Global Missions Transformation
2 min read

Beyond Blessed // Multicultural DTS

By Tyler Tom on 29 May 2019

I cannot believe it’s been five weeks since the Multicultural Discipleship Training School (MDTS) started. All I can say is that GOD IS FAITHFUL!

Topics: YWAM DTS YWAM Blessing Make Disciples Multicultural DTS Leadership MDTS
3 min read

Radio Celebrity Missionary

By Tyler Tom on 23 May 2019

As I prepared for my guest appearance on the radio talk show last weekend, though I felt nervous, I could not help but be amazed by God’s care for me … again!

Topics: Families in Missions Education Make Disciples Missionary Training Christian Heritage School
4 min read

The Dream Committee // Debut Song

By Richard Fish on 15 May 2019

YWAM Tyler's very own The Dream Committee has just released their first debut song, "Traded," and we just couldn't wait to share it with you. I had the opportunity to sit down with Stephanie and Josh of the band and ask them some thoughts about this new song and how the band is doing. You'll want to give this a listen after hearing the heart behind the tune.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Worship Band The Dream Committee Music Traded
1 min read

What is Being a Missionary About?

By Tyler Tom on 8 May 2019

During my Discipleship Training School (DTS), God really showed me His heart for America. I’ve always dreamed of being the missionary that traveled to faraway lands to preach the Gospel where it’s never been heard, but God showed me that He cares as much about the people of America as He does the ones in far off lands. God cares about every nation tribe and tongue, including my own!

Topics: YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach YWAM Missionary Training Urbanization Missions in America College Ministry God's Love America
2 min read

Treasure Hunting

By Tyler Tom on 3 May 2019

I first went to Vegas in the Spring of 2016. As we were walking, I passed some show girls and told my grandparents I wanted to stop and talk to them, but they told me to just keep walking. I boarded the plane shattered, knowing I should have stopped. 

A couple years later, during my YWAM Discipleship Training School, we were being told our outreach locations. Vegas was going to be one of them for the West Coast. My heart leapt for joy, and I started praying. I prayed for an encounter.

Topics: YWAM Outreach Love Treasure Hunting
3 min read

Something Within Needed to be Unearthed

By Amy Fish on 18 Apr 2019

Unearth ~ To find something buried by digging

This past weekend, a lot of digging took place at YWAM Tyler during the Inspire Worship & Missions Conference. We were challenged to pick up our shovels and excavate because something within us all needed to be unearthed.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Worship Unearthed YWAM Inspire
2 min read

A Tribal Village Welcomes God's Word

By Tyler Tom on 10 Apr 2019

Earlier this year, a team from YWAM Tyler traveled to India to commemorate an extraordinary moment in history. As the tribal village of Depachara and visiting Uchoi churches celebrated 75 years of Christianity, they welcomed the translation of the Word of God into their own language.

Topics: Bible Travel Strategic Frontiers God's Word
3 min read

The War on Inaction Has Begun

By Anthony Huerta on 29 Mar 2019

Words like “fire, passion, movement, momentum, signs, wonders, uncompromising, and revival” have been used to describe the two weeks I just spent in Florida.

I can only imagine this is how the beginning moments of the “Jesus Movement” of the late ’60’s looked – in fact, those that have been involved with both have said so much.

Topics: YWAM Tyler YWAM Outreach Deeper with God Action
3 min read

This is Me

By Jordon Lippiatt on 22 Mar 2019

If you're one of the millions of people that have seen The Greatest Showman, you may recognize the lyrics from the song "This is Me." The individuals in the movie are facing challenges in their life and are seen as outcasts, but they refuse to let what others think about them define who they are.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Relationship with God Deeper with God
2 min read

State of Creation Address

By Tyler Tom on 13 Mar 2019

A few week's ago, we were treated to the President’s State of the Union Address before live television and a joint session of Congress. President Trump brought us up to speed on the progress we’ve made in areas of economy, employment, defense, border security, and foreign relations. He then reminded us of the work that still needs to be done, calling all Americans to unite for the common good of the nation.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Teacher Appreciation Deeper with God
2 min read

Make the Most of Your YWAM Discipleship Training School

By Richard Fish on 8 Mar 2019

So you've been thinking about a Discipleship Training School (DTS), but you're still on the fence with jumping in and doing it. Hey, I get it. There's a lot to think about and huge transitions to consider when carving out space and time to get to know God better. 

Topics: YWAM DTS Missionary Training
3 min read

Be an AgTech Missionary

By Tyler Tom on 20 Feb 2019

Growing up in Chicago and moving to a little town in Texas was quite the change! During my two training schools at YWAM Tyler, I discovered in a deeper way who God is and how to have a relationship with Him!

Topics: YWAM Tyler World Changer Agriculture
3 min read

What Are You Doing After High School?

By Tyler Tom on 15 Feb 2019

GOD IS SO GOOD...Isn’t He? 😁 Since graduation, I had been praying about where God wanted me to go for college. After a few mission trips, God spoke to me about an organization called Youth With a Mission (YWAM). I arrived in January to begin a Discipleship Training School (DTS) here at YWAM Tyler, and it has rocked my world!

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions YWAM DTS Missionary Perspective Missionary Training Deeper with God
2 min read

Twin Oaks Introduces New Leadership Team

After more than 60 years of visionary, dedicated, and faithful leadershipLeland Paris, one of the founding fathers...

2 min read

Courageous Women

What does it take to become a courageous individual? William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, observed that...

3 min read

Building Foundations

How do you increase your faith? Former student Sarah Horan shares her heart on how God revealed His truth to her during...

2 min read

Missions Changed Me

From as far back as my junior high school, I remember struggling to find happiness. I felt like I didn’t fit in and...

2 min read

Unexpected Friendships

When we follow God, sometimes we have our own expectations of what God will do through us. This can sometimes cause us...
2 min read

Miracles in the Classroom

What does a young person chasing after God's heart look like? Christian Heritage School desires to fan the flame of the...

4 min read

Cross-Cultural Christmastime

Have you ever wondered how Christmas is celebrated around the world? We asked four of our YWAM Tyler missionaries to...

3 min read

My Stepmom Thinks YWAM Rocks

Have you ever been curious about going to a Discipleship Training School but don't know what to expect? In a recent...

2 min read

Marked by God

Can you imagine God sending someone from another country to see you? While in Thailand, Jess Reminger encounters a man...

2 min read

The Day I Thanked God For Losing My Job

One morning I sat in the classroom during my training school with YWAM, and I was crying, thanking God for the loss of...

2 min read

Sharing The Gospel Isn't Complicated

God has been doing amazing things with our DTS team on outreach in Thailand. As the team has made themselves available,...

2 min read

How DTS Changed My Child

Before I left for my Discipleship Training School, my family really had no idea what YWAM was. If your family...