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Amy Fish

Amy Fish

Almost 25 years ago, God called Amy to go and make disciples. From the inner cities of America to the barren bush of Africa, sharing the love of Jesus has been her passion. In 2006, she completed her YWAM DTS in Chiang Rai, Thailand. She's been married for the last 32 years to her best friend and is honored to be the mom of four beautiful children. She's a huge fan of playing games with her family, loving on her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and sipping on coffee while reading an inspirational book.

Recent posts by Amy Fish

5 min read

Influencing Minds, Shaping Hearts | YWAM Tyler

By Amy Fish on 9 Apr 2018

YWAM Tyler is a ministry where all ages encounter God. When we came to do a training school and join staff, I was homeschooling my daughter and had no intention to do differently, but then I started feeling a stirring within my heart to pay attention to Christian Heritage School, a ministry of YWAM Tyler for Kindergarten to 12th grade students from around the world. After asking many questions to those around me about this school, I quickly discovered not only is this place influencing minds, but they're shaping hearts with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Surely God is in this place!

Topics: Encounter God Family DTS Kids in Missions Family Missions Education
3 min read

 Prevailing Faith | YWAM Tyler

By Amy Fish on 4 Apr 2018

Imagine gathering around an empty table with a slew of orphans to thank the Lord for food that wasn't there. Hard to even believe, honestly; yet, it's true. George Mueller trusted God to the point he was willing to sit at a barren table and offer thanks to God for the food that He was going to supply. God had promised to provide all Mueller needed in caring for those children, so in that moment of need, Mueller banked on God's promise, and sure enough God did it! The doorbell rang, and fresh bread was placed before them all to enjoy for breakfast.

Topics: Provision Trust God YWAM DTS Answered Prayer Finances Faith
3 min read

A Weekend You Won't Forget!

By Amy Fish on 2 Apr 2018

Something amazing happens when people assemble to exalt the name of Jesus. God moves and transforms lives. Over the past five years, many have gathered at YWAM Tyler for the Inspire Worship & Missions Conference. It's encouraging to hear how this event has made an impact on people.

Topics: Missions Worship Inspiration YWAM Inspire
4 min read

Do a YWAM DTS and Learn to Hear God's Voice

By Amy Fish on 21 Mar 2018

In celebration of World Poetry Day, this poem just might be the needed inspiration to know that God speaks. Psalm 32:8 declares, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you." Twelve years ago I did my DTS and learned more about hearing from God. I read this inspirational book, Is That Really You, God by the founder of YWAM, Loren Cunningham, and the stories left me wide-eyed and wonder-filled. Learning to hear God's voice is a key part of all YWAM Discipleship Training Schools. I'm thankful I devoted five months of my life for this unique training. If you're wrestling with what it means to hear God's voice then do a DTS. You'll get to read this book and discover truths about Jesus that'll change your life.

Topics: YWAM Core Values YWAM DTS YWAM Hearing God's Voice
5 min read

You Will Encounter God Here // YWAM Tyler

By Amy Fish on 2 Mar 2018

Ever questioned if you really believed all this God stuff? Ever wondered if God really hears your prayers? Ever hungered to know Jesus more? Ever needed convincing that what you were thinking was right? If so, than YOU'RE NOT ALONE!

Enter into these stories with me and see how God met my friends here at YWAM Tyler and answered the cries of their heart.

Topics: Training School YWAM Tyler Crossroads DTS Knowing God YWAM DTS Spiritual Growth Encounter God Discipleship Opportunities Community Answered Prayer God's Presence Following God Transformation ywam tyler staff Family Discipleship
4 min read

Sheep Aren't So Dumb After-all

By Amy Fish on 28 Feb 2018

I've always heard sheep are dumb, but I disagree. I think they're really quite smart and have something to teach us all!

Topics: YWAM Tyler Trust God Value Love Community
6 min read

Surely God Is In This Place ~  YWAM Tyler 

By Amy Fish on 23 Feb 2018

As I sat at my desk engrossed in the art of storytelling, I knew I was in desperate need for a brain break. So, I shifted my eyes to the window where beauty captured my attention and held me hostage.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Spiritual Growth Encounter God YWAM
2 min read

Becoming Hope Bearers

By Amy Fish on 19 Feb 2018

As I stared at my television screen, watching unbelievable chaos before my eyes, I grappled with understanding why such darkness had invaded our school grounds. When I was a teenager, the thought of a mass shooting occurring during chemistry class never crossed my mind. I was worried about passing the periodic table exam not dodging bullets. We had tornado drills not lock-down procedures. How did we get to this place in America?

Topics: YWAM DTS Potential Hope Sin
2 min read

YWAM DTS | An Encounter That'll Change Your Life

By Amy Fish on 20 Dec 2017

At the beginning of 2018, a new adventure will begin for many. People from around the world will gather together to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS). Each student arriving will have different goals. Some simply want to know God more because they’re hungry for a deeper walk with Jesus. Others will come with a desire for fresh perspective. They want to experience God in a new way and within a different culture, seeing the beauty of His creation in this world. Then there will be those that need change. Life has beat them up; choices haven’t always been the best; wounds have left them internally bruised. They’re longing for more. No matter the reason, DTS is a great opportunity for fulfilling one’s heart desires. 

Topics: Knowing God YWAM DTS Making Him Known Adventure Encounter God
2 min read

A YWAM DTS Has Long Lasting Impact

By Amy Fish on 20 Oct 2017

"Everybody's got a story. and it's not the one they're telling." Donald Miller

Donald Miller's writings always provoke me to think deeply. Through vulnerably sharing his own personal stories, Donald essentially holds up a mirror and invites all to look inward. God's creation is quite marvelous, but too often we don't marvel at the reflection we see. Instead, we criticize and scrutinize. This type of self-barragement is unhealthy.

Topics: YWAM DTS Story Value Discipleship Opportunities Community Confidence Teacher Appreciation Mentor
3 min read

Don't Drag Your Feet

By Amy Fish on 14 Jul 2017

“Nah, I don’t need to do that!” I emphatically told God one day after being asked by our ministry leaders to do a YWAM DTS. At the age of 34, my husband and I had already been serving the Lord in full-time ministry for years. We had worked as youth pastors in Kansas, while attending school. Then we planted a church in South Carolina. Missions was nothing new for us because we had led numerous teams around the world. Why would we need to do a Discipleship Training School?

Topics: Trust God Direction Obedience Knowing God Life-Changing YWAM DTS Calling Spiritual Growth Journey Hearing God's Voice Following God Get to Know God Redirection Dependence on God
3 min read

Word of God Speak

By Amy Fish on 28 Jun 2017

"What is the way God most often speaks to you?" a student from the Discipleship Training School recently asked me. Without hestitation, I immediately replied, "Through Scripture!"

Topics: Bible Hearing God's Voice
2 min read

Twin Oaks Introduces New Leadership Team

After more than 60 years of visionary, dedicated, and faithful leadershipLeland Paris, one of the founding fathers...

2 min read

Courageous Women

What does it take to become a courageous individual? William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, observed that...

3 min read

Building Foundations

How do you increase your faith? Former student Sarah Horan shares her heart on how God revealed His truth to her during...

2 min read

Missions Changed Me

From as far back as my junior high school, I remember struggling to find happiness. I felt like I didn’t fit in and...

2 min read

Unexpected Friendships

When we follow God, sometimes we have our own expectations of what God will do through us. This can sometimes cause us...
2 min read

Miracles in the Classroom

What does a young person chasing after God's heart look like? Christian Heritage School desires to fan the flame of the...

4 min read

Cross-Cultural Christmastime

Have you ever wondered how Christmas is celebrated around the world? We asked four of our YWAM Tyler missionaries to...

3 min read

My Stepmom Thinks YWAM Rocks

Have you ever been curious about going to a Discipleship Training School but don't know what to expect? In a recent...

2 min read

Marked by God

Can you imagine God sending someone from another country to see you? While in Thailand, Jess Reminger encounters a man...

2 min read

The Day I Thanked God For Losing My Job

One morning I sat in the classroom during my training school with YWAM, and I was crying, thanking God for the loss of...

2 min read

Sharing The Gospel Isn't Complicated

God has been doing amazing things with our DTS team on outreach in Thailand. As the team has made themselves available,...

2 min read

How DTS Changed My Child

Before I left for my Discipleship Training School, my family really had no idea what YWAM was. If your family...