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2 min read

Courageous Women

By Tyler Tom on 8 Mar 2024

What does it take to become a courageous individual? William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, observed that "some of my best men are women." During the last few years two brave women, who trained at YWAM Tyler, went to the Middle East to make an impact on people and point them to Jesus.  We recently touched base with "Sarah and Mary" to get an update on their ministries. 

Topics: Relationship with God Obedience Life-Changing Cross-Cultural Hope Faith Following God influence courageous
2 min read

Faith Like a Child

By Matheus Barros on 6 Oct 2023

My name is Matheus Barros and I am from Brazil. I completed my DTS in 2019, and it was an amazing, life-changing experience of growing in my relationship with God.   

By the end of the Discipleship Training School, God started speaking to me about attending the School of Evangelism (SOE). I felt God prompting me to do the school, but I resisted the idea because I didn't have the tuition. I had a month long break between the two schools and I began to pray to see if this was even going to be possible.

Topics: Trust God Obedience YWAM Outreach Finances Faith provide surrender ywam missions soe testimony God's will faithfulness
6 min read

Joy Dawson~A Tribute

By Mary Brock on 5 Aug 2022

I suppose it is possible, but there can't be many YWAM missionaries around the world who haven't heard of Joy Dawson. When word spread of her death, the fruit of her ministry instantly came to mind. Many of us had the privilege of hearing her speak, and perhaps listened to her teach for a week in a YWAM training school, or read one of her books. Most of us have a story about her, or can share how she has impacted our lives.

Topics: Missions Obedience Following Jesus Prayer Missions in America legacy joy dawson ministry
5 min read

Keith Green's Message Continues to Encourage a New Generation!

By Carl Hamper on 15 Jul 2022

It was July 28, 1982, exactly 35 years ago to date (at the writing of this blog post), when Keith Green and others took off from an airstrip, almost in walking distance from where I am sitting now, and left the earth behind never to return. The airplane accident that took the life of singer-songwriter Keith Green, shook the lives of the evangelical Christian community around the world.

Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Change Obedience Knowing God YWAM Outreach Calling Families in Missions Go Children in Missions memories devotion Called to Mission keith green
2 min read

Sharing the Gospel with Armed Guerillas

By Tyler Tom on 15 Oct 2021

Sharing the Gospel with a Terrorist Group

Early one morning, we were abruptly awakened by a teammate, "Guys! Come quickly! There are men outside with guns!"

Topics: Outreach Obedience YWAM Outreach Gospel Mission Trip Go humanitarian aid philippines short-term missions terrorists NPA communism
4 min read

Anguish in Afghanistan

By Richard Fish on 20 Aug 2021

Now What's in Store for Missions in Afghanistan?

In critical times of persecution and seeing those we love die because of their faith we can be at peace knowing Jesus is Lord over Afghanistan. 

Topics: YWAM Tyler Urban Missions Obedience Gospel Global Missions Hope YWAM Faith Urbanization afghanistan war suffering afghanistan crisis
3 min read

What My Mom Thinks of Me Being A Missionary

By Tyler Tom on 23 Oct 2020


Ever wonder what your parents might say if you decide to become a missionary? Aimee interviewed her mom about her  experience, and you might just find some encouragement to overcome your fear of stepping into what God's calling you to do. 

Topics: Training School Family Family Adventure Direction Obedience Knowing God Life-Changing YWAM DTS Calling Missionary Missionary Life Overcoming Fear Spiritual Growth Encounter God YWAM Education No Fear Following God Children in Missions FOMO ywam tyler staff fear
3 min read

One Dream God Didn't Let Me Forget

By Allison Bice on 16 Oct 2020


In 2013, I attended a Season of Service and Training (SST), a summer camp for teens at YWAM Tyler. One afternoon, we teamed up with multiple staff members to help with their different roles on the campus.

Some of us helped in the kitchen, some in the Ag-Tech training area and some of us in the Hospitality department. 😳

Topics: Training School YWAM Tyler Missions Direction Obedience YWAM DTS Missionary Missionary Life Hearing God's Voice Redirection Missionary Training Teenagers SST plans ywam staff
4 min read

When Life Doesn't Go As Planned

By Jordon Lippiatt on 21 Aug 2020


2020 has been a year none of us expected. I wish I could just blame the pandemic for wrecking my plans, but I'm learning a bigger lesson when my life plans get sideways.

On my journey over the last year and half, there have been many times I had to continuously remind myself of the goodness of God in spite of my circumstances.

Topics: Training School YWAM Tyler Purpose Growth Trust God Trust Direction Obedience YWAM DTS Calling Missionary Life Perspective Anxiety Redirection Dependence on God Deeper with God Overcoming covid-19 plans life
2 min read

You Don't Have 6 Months to Sit on the Sidelines

By Candace Leatherman on 11 Jan 2019

"Go Now!"

The Lord had directed us to do a Discipleship Training School at YWAM Tyler in July 2016. We were sure it was to be the Crossroads DTS.
Topics: Retired Obedience YWAM DTS Hearing God's Voice
3 min read

Did You Know God Blows Raspberries?

By Deonn McDowell on 27 Sep 2017

Before you picture the Almighty vomiting fruit, let me quote from Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary’s second definition for a raspberry. “A sound of contempt made by protruding the tongue between the lips and expelling air forcibly to produce a vibration.” We’ve all done it. You know exactly what I mean. What you may not have known is that God can blow raspberries too, when He’s trying to make a very clear point.

Topics: Growth Obedience Pride
1 min read

God: A Really Cool Trip Advisor

By Tyler Tom on 11 Aug 2017

If you've wondered what it might be like going on YWAM Tyler outreach, Casi's story will give you a glimpse into the wonders of hearing from God and doing what He says while on outreach. 

Topics: Trust Obedience Following Jesus Hearing God's Voice
2 min read

Twin Oaks Introduces New Leadership Team

After more than 60 years of visionary, dedicated, and faithful leadershipLeland Paris, one of the founding fathers...

2 min read

Courageous Women

What does it take to become a courageous individual? William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, observed that...

3 min read

Building Foundations

How do you increase your faith? Former student Sarah Horan shares her heart on how God revealed His truth to her during...

2 min read

Missions Changed Me

From as far back as my junior high school, I remember struggling to find happiness. I felt like I didn’t fit in and...

2 min read

Unexpected Friendships

When we follow God, sometimes we have our own expectations of what God will do through us. This can sometimes cause us...
2 min read

Miracles in the Classroom

What does a young person chasing after God's heart look like? Christian Heritage School desires to fan the flame of the...

4 min read

Cross-Cultural Christmastime

Have you ever wondered how Christmas is celebrated around the world? We asked four of our YWAM Tyler missionaries to...

3 min read

My Stepmom Thinks YWAM Rocks

Have you ever been curious about going to a Discipleship Training School but don't know what to expect? In a recent...

2 min read

Marked by God

Can you imagine God sending someone from another country to see you? While in Thailand, Jess Reminger encounters a man...

2 min read

The Day I Thanked God For Losing My Job

One morning I sat in the classroom during my training school with YWAM, and I was crying, thanking God for the loss of...

2 min read

Sharing The Gospel Isn't Complicated

God has been doing amazing things with our DTS team on outreach in Thailand. As the team has made themselves available,...

2 min read

How DTS Changed My Child

Before I left for my Discipleship Training School, my family really had no idea what YWAM was. If your family...