I suppose it is possible, but there can't be many YWAM missionaries around the world who haven't heard of Joy Dawson. When word spread of her death, the fruit of her ministry instantly came to mind. Many of us had the privilege of hearing her speak, and perhaps listened to her teach for a week in a YWAM training school, or read one of her books. Most of us have a story about her, or can share how she has impacted our lives.
6 min read
Joy Dawson~A Tribute
By Mary Brock on 5 Aug 2022
Topics: Missions Obedience Following Jesus Prayer Missions in America legacy joy dawson ministry
7 min read
We Are Scattered Like Sheep Among Wolves
By Brad Stanley on 3 Sep 2021
The Cost of Following Jesus Anywhere and Everywhere.
We shouldn't be upset when God moves us and scatters us into the world. Even if we are somewhat in our home culture, we need to remind ourselves that we are outlanders.
A lot of us feel even more disconnected because the world seems so weird now. There is so much turmoil and change. We feel uncertain.
As believers, we should be certain of who we are because as we own our identity, we transform the cultures and places where we are planted. Yet, we remain different from them.
How do we operate among the lost? How do we reach them?
Topics: Urban Missions Cities Dreams Evangelism Following Jesus Making Him Known Global Missions Nations Urbanization Missions in America city ministry spheres of influence ywam missions border crisis
6 min read
Rescue The Perishing | YWAM Houston (cont)
By Tyler Tom on 18 Jun 2021
Breaking The Cycle of Prostitution And Trafficking
"My mom pimped me out when I was about 6 years old." - Street girl.
"Wow, we got an education on the streets of Houston! The school of hard knocks." - Kim Dale, who with her husband Martin, direct Youth With A Mission Houston.
Topics: YWAM Tyler Rescue YWAM Urbanization Missions in America YWAM Houston sex trafficking human trafficking Montrose prostitute
4 min read
Rescuing the Perishing | YWAM Houston
By Tyler Tom on 4 Jun 2021
The Battle over homelessness, broken families, and injustice in Urban America.
"Oh my gosh, THESE are the prostitutes! I didn't even recognize them!"
"I had this revelation one day as I was listening to the kids at our Street Church share their stories. I thought they looked somewhat typical. Just young people running around with backpacks on their backs, except most of them were homeless. We'd see drag queens standing on the street corners in stilettos and short skirts, but the street kids sure didn't fit the stereotype of a prostitute." - Kim Dale
Topics: Urban Missions Rescue Following Jesus YWAM DTS Missionary Hope No Fear Urbanization Missions in America city ministry YWAM Houston sex trafficking human trafficking mercy Montrose street church Houston Texas
4 min read
A Pilgrim Story Americans Can’t Afford To Forget
By Chris Lascelles on 18 Nov 2020
Will you be streaming this historical event with us?
This November marks the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims crossing the Atlantic and signing the historic Mayflower Compact.
We are hosting this historic celebration in Plymouth Massachusetts, November 21, 2pm EST. <<Sign up today to watch>>
Topics: Freedom Missions in America America USA 2020 Vision plymouth founding fathers pilgrim liberty mayflower compact government
5 min read
One Chapel - Thousands Of Prayers
By Tyler Tom on 6 Nov 2020
One Chapel - Thousands Of Prayers
"It's hotter than a firecracker in here!" exclaimed Leland Paris, as he stepped into the 12' by 15' foot well house we called our prayer room.
As YWAM Tyler's base leader, he knew we desperately needed a new building to become our "House of Prayer." It was 1998 when volunteers from all over America gathered together to transform this tiny, hot, well house into a place for large groups to gather. Little did we know that soon we would have A/C, heat and bathrooms!"
Topics: YWAM Tyler Missions Missionary Encounter God YWAM Answered Prayer Miracle Faith Holy Ground Prayer Chapel Holy Spirit Missions in America ywam tyler staff
2 min read
Reaching the Nations in Your Own Backyard
By Jordon Lippiatt on 2 Oct 2020
Reaching the Nations in Your Own BackYard
As believers, we understand that part of the commission given to us by Jesus is to go into all nations. With the times we are living in today, it’s not always possible to do what's on our hearts in following Jesus' command.
Topics: Outreach School of Evangelism Urban Missions YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach Missionary Missionary Life Missionary Training Urban DTS Urbanization Missions in America ywam chicago chicago
2 min read
Life After My Discipleship Training School
By Sarah Tucker on 5 Jun 2020
After my Discipleship Training School (DTS) ended last spring, going home was difficult. It was hard to go from seeing friends everyday, worshipping and living in community to only seeing my immediate family.
Topics: Missions YWAM DTS Missionary Life Discipleship Opportunities Global Missions Hope Make Disciples Missions in America city ministry
2 min read
20/20 Vision for America | An Interview with Author Chris Lascelles
By Richard Fish on 18 May 2020
I caught YWAM Tyler's campus director, Chris Lascelles, just before he jumped on a tractor to haul hay to give to hurting farmers here in East Texas.
Once I read Chris's book, 20/20 Vision for America, I knew an interview was a must. I'd heard Chris talk about his purpose in writing this epic history lesson, but I did not expect to be drawn into it so deeply. An incredible message of hope for America is woven through it like a tapestry.
Topics: YWAM Tyler YWAM Missions in America America Vision USA 2020 Vision
2 min read
I Said Yes To God But Never Imagined This
By Areli Brandenburg on 16 Apr 2020
When I first came into missions, I thought I might end up working with the people who lived in garbage dumps in the Philippines, thousands of miles from my home.
When I said yes to God, that’s what I thought He would have me do.
Topics: Outreach YWAM Tyler Missions YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach Missionary Missionary Life YWAM Missionary Training Missions in America
1 min read
What is Being a Missionary About?
By Tyler Tom on 8 May 2019
During my Discipleship Training School (DTS), God really showed me His heart for America. I’ve always dreamed of being the missionary that traveled to faraway lands to preach the Gospel where it’s never been heard, but God showed me that He cares as much about the people of America as He does the ones in far off lands. God cares about every nation tribe and tongue, including my own!
Topics: YWAM DTS YWAM Outreach YWAM Missionary Training Urbanization Missions in America College Ministry God's Love America
3 min read
You don't need to go to Saudi Arabia to be a YWAM Missionary!
By Kriya Herzog on 6 Sep 2017
According to a 2015 Pew Research Center estimate, there are roughly 1.8 billion Muslims in the world today, and Islam is supposedly the world's fastest growing major religion. Many Christians have a heart to see Muslims reached with the good news of Jesus, but let's face it, the task can seem daunting. After all, Saudi Arabia isn't where most of us go on vacation, and Iraq isn't exactly in our neighborhood!
Topics: Outreach Urban Missions Evangelism Detroit YWAM DTS Making Him Known Urban DTS Missions in America College Ministry
2 min read
Twin Oaks Introduces New Leadership Team
Feb 5, 2025 by YWAM Leadership Team
After more than 60 years of visionary, dedicated, and faithful leadership, Leland Paris, one of the founding fathers...
2 min read
Courageous Women
Mar 8, 2024 by Tyler Tom
What does it take to become a courageous individual? William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, observed that...
3 min read
Building Foundations
Feb 22, 2024 by Tyler Tom
How do you increase your faith? Former student Sarah Horan shares her heart on how God revealed His truth to her during...
2 min read
Missions Changed Me
Feb 8, 2024 by Quinn Evans
From as far back as my junior high school, I remember struggling to find happiness. I felt like I didn’t fit in and...
2 min read
Unexpected Friendships
Jan 26, 2024 by Abby Bridgeman
2 min read
Miracles in the Classroom
Dec 8, 2023 by Tyler Tom
What does a young person chasing after God's heart look like? Christian Heritage School desires to fan the flame of the...
4 min read
Cross-Cultural Christmastime
Dec 7, 2023 by Tyler Tom
Have you ever wondered how Christmas is celebrated around the world? We asked four of our YWAM Tyler missionaries to...
3 min read
My Stepmom Thinks YWAM Rocks
Nov 21, 2023 by Tyler Tom
Have you ever been curious about going to a Discipleship Training School but don't know what to expect? In a recent...
2 min read
Marked by God
Nov 13, 2023 by Tyler Tom
Can you imagine God sending someone from another country to see you? While in Thailand, Jess Reminger encounters a man...
2 min read
The Day I Thanked God For Losing My Job
Nov 11, 2023 by Tyler Tom
One morning I sat in the classroom during my training school with YWAM, and I was crying, thanking God for the loss of...
2 min read
Sharing The Gospel Isn't Complicated
Nov 3, 2023 by Tyler Tom
God has been doing amazing things with our DTS team on outreach in Thailand. As the team has made themselves available,...